
  1. G

    A Chemistry Set That Turns Jello Creations Into Music [Video]

    Any kid knows how to produce an entire foley library worth of gross sound effects from a bowl of jello. But Raphaël Pluvinage and Marianne Cauvard's Noisy Jelly kit produces more pleasing sounds using gelatinous shapes and a special playing board. More »
  2. M

    if you were God, what would you want your creations to do?

    1. Get down on their knees and say prayers to you? 2. Give money to the church so it can send it to Rome? 3. Go to the church every Sunday to gossip about each other and profess your love for one another? 4. Pray for God to help out with a sickness when the doctors can already cure it? 5. Tell...
  3. G

    LEGO Mindstorm Ogre Autonomously Detects, Targets, and Destroys Other LEGO Creations

    This is "Ogre," an autonomous, projectile-launching, LEGO block-destroying remote control tank. Ogre could honestly be the first LEGO creation I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. No minifig is safe this afternoon. Ogre is a "Tank" built around a Zamor launching system nicknamed...
  4. K

    Do you think that the future of humanity will be the creations that we humans

    have created? Do you think that the future of humanity will be the creations that we humans have created? I.E. will future generations of humans be highly advance robots. Like will organic humans do something so catastrophic that we annihilate ourselves and all that is left over is our...