
  1. M

    "Hard" dog crates vs. soft ones?

    Today, I realized that my current dog crate, a small fiberglass one with a wire front door and a top hatch, is basically broken. One of the hinges on the top hatch is difficult to operate and one of the springs in the door is toast. My mom has agreed that we should get a new crate. I had...
  2. M

    how many crates of snakebites has my giggs had? hes ranting at them lovely...

    ...scousers again he must be jealous? you open all your accounts sweetie and let us all see yours starting with the option stop that ranting now. look what them snakebites have done, you don't even remember marrying me just wait till you get home! no more snakebites and guinness for you or...
  3. R

    Is it possible some dogs simply do not like being in crates? (read fully...

    ...before anwsering!)? I've had a puppy for over two weeks now. She is about 8 weeks at this point. (Before anyone rants about how young she is, she was abandoned.) I have been putting her in a crate every night since I got her, yet she barks NONSTOP. It's to the point that I've had to put her...