
  1. G

    Asking for counsel If I were in France?

    I am a student from Canton Mainland China. I'd go to France in 2012( which is defined as the knell of the world) for my further study to obtain the master of tourism as part of the program which allows the students in Canton University go to France. I am good on languages. My English is...
  2. A

    Is the NFL trying to create a separate class counsel?

    On Wednesday, Dan Kaplan of Sports Business Journal reported that as many as 70 current NFL players have sought representation in order to join the negotiations/court case between the owners and players. Several reports indicate that this new "rogue" group wishes not to argue against the case...
  3. A

    Is the NFL trying to create a separate class counsel?

    On Wednesday, Dan Kaplan of Sports Business Journal reported that as many as 70 current NFL players have sought representation in order to join the negotiations/court case between the owners and players. Several reports indicate that this new "rogue" group wishes not to argue against the case...
  4. C

    Can anyone who is psychic or Spiritual give me some counsel?

    What will my love life be like will I meet my soul mate if so can you describe her.
  5. R

    Trinity ????? Teaching of Jesus Christ or teaching of Counsel of Naiseah?

    as it is well know that Trinity was decided in the counsel of Naiseah in 350 AD long after of Jesus Christ How can a christian say that he follow the teachings of Jesus Christ ??? Council of Nicaea The First Council of Nicaea was a council of...