
  1. T

    Alpine Mountaineer And Alzheimer's Advocate To Climb Highest Peak On Each Continent T

    Alpine mountaineer and Alzheimer's disease advocate Alan Arnette will embark later this month to climb the 7 Summits, the highest peak on each continent. This ambitious year-long climbing campaign The 7 Summits Climb for Alzheimer's: Memories are Everything aims to raise awareness of the growing...
  2. S

    Most elite Marathon Runners are from the continent of Africa.What are the

    reasons for this? Well,most elite Marathon runners are from the continent of Africa.To name a few-World record holder Haile Gebrelassie,Duncan Kibet,James Kwambai,Paul Tergat,etc.What are the reasons for this?
  3. V

    where to buy LH drive Nissan in UK for export to continent?

    you do know that in the UK cars are right hand drive? you wont find a left hand drive in a dealer. and its still cheaper to buy cars from the continent.