
  1. T

    At Least 200,000 Tons Of Oil And Gas From Deepwater Horizon Spill Consumed By Gulf Ba

    Researchers from the University of Rochester and Texas A&M University have found that, over a period of five months following the disastrous 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, naturally-occurring bacteria that exist in the Gulf of Mexico consumed and removed at least 200,000 tons of...
  2. K

    In the first three days of a four-day vacation, Teresa consumed 55 g, 80...

    ...g, and 70 g of fat.? Determine how many grams of fat Teresa can consume on the fourth day if she is to average no more than 65 g of fat per day.
  3. T

    Excess Salt Consumed By 70 Percent Of 8-Month-Olds

    Seventy per cent of eight-month-old babies have a salt (sodium chloride) intake higher than the recommended UK maximum level, due to being fed salty and processed foods like yeast extract, gravy, baked beans and tinned spaghetti. Many are also given cows' milk, which has higher levels of salt...
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    Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Consumed For Three Months Before Pregnancy Reduce Chances

    New research published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology reveals the key risk factors associated with babies being born undernourished or small for gestational age (SGA). Findings reinforce the importance of eating a balanced diet before and during pregnancy, with...
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    Citrate, Malate And Alkali Content In Commonly Consumed Diet Sodas: Implications For - Oral intake of either alkali in any form or citrate can help increase urinary citrate concentration. In this article, the authors have provided some alternatives to the now classic use of lemonade (e.g. 1 liter of water and 60 cc (2 ounces) of freshly squeezed lemon juice or 7.5...
  6. G

    Implant Harnesses Electricity From Consumed Food [Science]

    For the first time, scientists have successfully implanted a biofuel cell that generates power from glucose inside a body—an everlasting battery you could theoretically recharge by eating a Snickers bar. More »
  7. L

    A Man for all Seasons portrays a world that is consumed by corruption and...

    ...degeneracy. Discuss? Anyone willing to give me some direction, in how to begin writing this essay. All ideas are welcome:)
  8. G

    Why you Consumed your "Most Precious Thing" your "TIME" in YA!?

    For "TIME" is the thing that we all have in Fair Amounts. And it all passes us by that maked us all Aged...
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    34GB of Content Consumed Daily by Americans

    Recent research conducted at the University of California at San Diego has enjoyed the attention of the internet attention gods. According to the university’s report, your average American consumes 34GB of content and a hundred-thousand words a day. Wondering how your sucky “broadband”...
  10. F

    Is nicotine bad for you if its consumed without smoking tobacco?

    Im recently quite smoking cigs and have been using a Commit Lozenges. They are little tablets that you simply put in your mouth and while they dissolve. They release nicotine and really do help knock the edge off and get me through cravings for a real cigarette but. . . Is the nicotine alone...
  11. K

    Why are girls consumed with gossip?

    As a female, I am completely disgusted by the way the majority of girls now-a-days carry themselves. They rarely hold conversations which are not based upon negative judgments of people, or complaints in general. Often times, they flip out about petty things and will start fights with their...
  12. M

    Celebrity Come Dine with Me...what were the shots consumed?

    at Julias dinner party called. My they sure did have a great party after downing . Marvellous bit of fun tv for once if anybody wants a bit of harmless humour. Source UK channel 4 sunday 15th Feb. approx 8.30pm
  13. V

    i have consumed some post dated sleeping pillls .what would happen?

    or for that matter any tablet/pills
  14. A

    Stomach content Vs. Food consumed...?

    I recently ate a HUGE meal so much so that I felt really uncomfortable & ended up vomiting. I DID NOT MAKE MYSELF THROW UP. It was a gag reflex after I burped. Anyway, there was not a lot that came up. I was just wondering if I threw up only part of my meal, or if that big meal was condensed by...