
  1. K

    Could this be considers as flirting and as PDA?

    So with my girlfriend I tickle her a lot ( just to make Her laugh because I love her laugh) I tickle her around the neck area and on the sides of her stomach ( over the hips). I don't always tickle her and I don't have "tickle urges" or anything I just really want her to laugh and she loves it...
  2. A

    NYC Considers Raising The Smoking Age, Teens Consider Black Market Cigarettes

    Teenage smoking is bad, but not every problem has a legal solution. Raising the smoking age violates rights and won't work. More » NYC Considers Raising The Smoking Age, Teens Consider Black Market Cigarettes is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health...
  3. G

    Media Matters considers themselves non-profit, but meets at the White House to?

    get the lefts talking points for the day and supplies it to the leftist media (ABC, MSNBC, ETC.) They actually were going to hire private investigators to go after Fox News employees to try to silence them... Should they lose their tax exempt status if they have broken the law? Mr. Obvious, this...
  4. T

    Study Considers The Plight Of Kids Raised By Mothers Dealing With Hardships

    Disadvantaged, unhealthy mothers are much more likely to have sickly children than are disadvantaged moms who are relatively healthy - and this is not only due to genetics, suggests new research presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association... More...
  5. A

    Future News: FIFA considers simulated WC to avoid Qatar heat

    </p> Following denials that matches at the 2022 World Cup could be divided into three 30-minute periods to help players cope with the extreme summer heat in Qatar, top FIFA officials are considering far more drastic measures to combat the weather. According to top sources who spoke on the...
  6. K

    am i the only person who doesnt believe in god but considers athiesm a religion?

    i don't get it from my personal definition of religion not some dictionary athiesm falls under that catergory. i do not believe in god but i do not consider myself athiest do to the fact that i do not accept any religion. It doesnt particurlarly bother me if people think i am athiest i will...
  7. M

    By the Numbers: Senate considers Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009

    By the Numbers: Senate considers Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009 S.61 Number of the Senate bill known as the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009, which is designed to not only allow homeowners to stay in their homes and pay off their loans but also prevent more...
  8. E

    Who considers P2P file sharing wrong?

    in regards to music?
  9. B

    Why does Reformed Protestants considers Christmas to be a "Pagan" holiday?

    Reformed Protestants even Jehovah's witnesses considers Christmas to be a Pagan holiday and they discourage their members from observing this holiday. If you're one of them, How could you Imagine life without Christmas? The most merry holidays of all?
  10. D

    If someone considers themselves fully (insert religion here)?

    but find that they disagree with something regarding their religious beliefs, are they really considered "fully" (insert) ? TIA. Stop - Nice copy and paste. Edit: Would you be considered Agnostic then?