
  1. G

    Why is it I don't find comedies and comedy acts funny?

    When I watch comedies or stand up comedians with my friends I am the only one that stays silent. I get all the jokes I just don't find them funny. However when my friends and me talk and joke around we all laugh including me. Any ideas?
  2. J

    What are some teen romantic comedies like "It's Kind Of A Funny Story"?

    I watched that movie and it was epic, is there a movie with the same concept.? Something funny and romantic. For a teen. lol. xD
  3. F

    What are some good Christmas comedies to buy~ [aside from christmas...

    ...vacation and home alone]? I need comical xmas movies to get aside from griswolds xmas and home alone w/that kid.
  4. F

    please list some amazing asian comedies...?

    Please can people please give me a list of amazing asian comedies... I have seen "The Bodyguard 1 and 2" (Thai) My Sassy Girl (Korean) (This guy had amazing facial expressions) My Little Bride (Korean) The movies don't have to be similar or anything i just want to see some good asian comedy...
  5. S

    Which of these 2 British Comedies "BENNY HILL" or "MONTY PYTHON" do you

    Which of these 2 British Comedies "BENNY HILL" or "MONTY PYTHON" do you like and find the MOST FUNNY ? * BONUS QUESTION: Do you remember the British comedy TV show "The Young Ones" ? Did you like or dislike...
  6. K

    What are some interesting romance comedies or reverse harem animes?

    Okay, so im looking for funny romantic animes preferably reverse harem and newer animes but those are hard to find, and chances are i already seen all the popular ones. Animes ive seen: Fushigi Yuugi Ayashi no ceres Kare Kano Chobits Fruits Basket Full Moon Wo Sagashite Ouran High School Host...
  7. Dude

    what are your top 5 favorite romantic comedies from your personal...

    ...dvd/blu-ray collection? if you own that many...
  8. W

    why are slap stick comedies a thing of the past Have peoples sense of humor

    evolved that much? I guess I was thinking of the classics like three stooges etc
  9. D

    I've just watched one of George Lopez's comedies and I did not laugh...why?

    The guy isn't that funny, right? However, I cracked up with Chris Rock, steve harvey, gabriel iglesias, and katt williams
  10. S

    I'm looking for some good recent comedies on blue ray?

    Stuff like Along Came Polly, The Invention Of Lying etc.. Just enjoyable shit without too much pretentiousness
  11. R

    Why does Hollywood keep making stupid romantic comedies?

    By Stupid Romantic Comedies I mean... Romantic Comdies. They all suck, they're not funny. BTW, I have seen the Princess Bride. I don't think it falls under the category of romantic comedy or any other genre for that matter. Romantic comedy is a genre that has been so lame over the past 15 years...