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    Scientists Discover Simple Method For Testing Coma Patients

    Even experts can have a hard time determining the degree of consciousness that patients have following severe cranio-cerebral injuries. A team of researchers at the University of Liège in Belgium have discovered a new method for determining gradual degrees of consciousness. The major advantage...
  2. C

    What hat was Marilyn Manson wearing during his performance of Coma White...

    ...during the Twins of Evil tour? I've been trying to figure it out forever now. Does anyone know?
  3. A

    6 Natural Hair Dyes That Won’t Break The Bank (Or Put You In A Coma!)

    Looking for a way to color your hair without using toxic, drugstore brands or exceeding your haircare budget? Try a few of these dyes and see some naturally gorgeous results. More » 6 Natural Hair Dyes That Won’t Break The Bank (Or Put You In A Coma!) is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition...
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    Lames: Say What?! Brady to slip into tryptophan-induced coma at Jets

    Each week the Noise highlights 10 bold names who he believes are*destined to*torpedo your team leave egg on his face. For those playing the Lames home edition, each player*must be started in at least 50 percent of Yahoo! leagues to qualify. As an accountability advocate, results, whether genius...
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    Woman’s Coma Probably Caused By Chemicals In L’Oreal Hair Dye

    Julie McCabe, 38-year-old a wife and mother in England, has been in a coma for three weeks, caused by what's believed to be an allergic reaction to L'Oreal hair dye. Just minutes after applying the dye—which she'd used before in the past—she collapsed and stopped breathing; now doctors give her...
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    General Anesthesia More Like Coma Than Sleep

    General anesthesia and coma appear to share important similarities said US researchers who concluded the brain isn't "asleep" under general anesthesia, as surgery patients are often led to believe, but goes into a state that is more like a reversible coma. They hope their findings will lead to...
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    What is that movie about the people who meet up in this coma world?

    It starts off with a kid who drowns and ends up in a coma. the end has to do with a trapeze in order to escape the coma. I can't for the life of me remember what it is called, but i would very much like to know the name so i can watch the movie again.
  8. D

    Does your body age in a coma like it would with age?

    I just watched a lifetime movie and Reba was in it, I can't remember the name though. And she was in a coma for 20 years and she woke up and she didn't look like she aged around her. Although everyone around her did.. Does it depend on the person, or is the change minimal?
  9. L

    What's this movie about a group of senile people in a coma?

    its about a movie with senile people that are in a coma being taken care of in a nursing home. Then they were revived by some guy's medicine, then they thought that it's still the 80's, 70's, whatever. and in the end, the medicine's effect ran out, so they were all back in a coma, were taken...
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    What Causes A Dream About Being in A Coma?

    The other night I dreamed I had lapsed into a coma while I was sleeping. I had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. My bf had found me and called the ambulance. The coma was caused by lack of oxygen to the brain because my nighttime medicines had interacted with my respiratory system...
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    What Is A Coma (comatose)? What Is A Persistent Vegetative State?

    A coma, or comatose is a deep state of unconsciousness - longer-term comatose patients may be reclassified as being in a permanent vegetative state. The patient cannot be awakened and does not respond to pain, light or sound in a normal way - the person in coma cannot react with the surrounding...
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    What Is A Coma (comatose)? What Is A Persistent Vegetative State?

    A coma, or comatose is a deep state of unconsciousness - longer-term comatose patients may be reclassified as being in a permanent vegetative state. The patient cannot be awakened and does not respond to pain, light or sound in a normal way - the person in coma cannot react with the surrounding...
  13. P

    What would it be like to go into a coma when you were 9 and came out of it when... were 16? I had this weird dream where it happened to me! And now I'm interested about what other people think. Best answer will go to the most detailed/original answer. What problems would you encounter? What would have changed? How would your family react to you? What level of school...
  14. D

    Why sexual assault cause coma in women?

    I read a article in NYT about Uganda and the fighting. In Dungu, a 10-year-old girl lay comatose on a metal hospital cot, her face glazed with sweat, her pulse hammering in her neck. She had been sexually assaulted in a nearby village and shot in both legs, bullet through bones. Now, I wanted...