
  1. V

    Clyde Drexler’s Magic Johnson Quotes

    In a new books called “Dream Team” by Jack McCallum, Clyde Drexler is quoting as saying some harsh things about Magic Johnson. What do you think about these Clyde Drexler quotes on Magic Johnson? Do you believe his explanation? Here are the Clyde Drexler quotes: “He couldn’t play much by...
  2. N

    urbab legend and rumors about bonnie and clyde plz help (10 points )?

    Is really true that: 1.after the cops shot bonnie and clyde and taken their bodies to morgue . they listed 23 bullets on bonnie body and 25 bullets on clyde , the same as their age when they died? ( bonnie 23 years old,clyde 25 years old ) 2.bonnie parker still alive after the cops shot her 50...
  3. G

    So True? So False? Does Hilary Duff's Pregnancy Mean She's Out of Bonnie and Clyde Re

    Hilary Duff has been on a roll lately: a wedding, a just-announced pregnancy and a totally killer movie role. Following in the footsteps of Faye Dunaway, the actress landed the plum...
  4. G

    Clyde Carson-Base Rock-The EP-2009-CR

    Category: Music-MP3 (Rap) Size: 43.75 MB Files: 16 (3 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue August 18th 08:38:23 UTC Download NZB
  5. M

    Any Religion & Spirituality regulars read books by Clyde Edgerton?

    I Just started reading some: Short, light, but intelligent comedies set in North Carolina usually with a strong Fundamentalist or Evangelical female character.