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    Circadian Rhythms Give Vegetables Healthy Boost

    If your salad knows what time it is, it could be healthier for you, according to new research by Rice University and the University of California at Davis. Rice biologist Janet Braam, the lead researcher of the current study published in Current Biology, said "Vegetables and fruits don't die the...
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    Circadian rhythms control body’s response to intestinal infections

    Circadian rhythms can boost the body’s ability to fight intestinal bacterial infections, UC Irvine researchers have found. This suggests that targeted treatments may be particularly effective for pathogens such as salmonella that prompt a strong immune system response governed by circadian...
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    Potential Link Between Organ Transplant Success And Circadian Clock

    Health care providers assess blood and tissue type as well as organ size and health to enhance transplant success. New research indicates that checklist might also need to include the circadian clock. While some human studies have shown the time of day transplant surgery is performed can...
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    Circadian Clock Found To Regulate Platelet Function

    Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) have demonstrated that the circadian system, the body's internal clock, regulates human platelet function and causes a peak in platelet activation corresponding to the known morning peak in adverse cardiovascular events. These findings are...
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    Zebrafish Research Could Enable Us To Repair Our Circadian System

    Circadian rhythms - the natural cycle that dictates our biological processes over a 24-hour day - does more than tell us when to sleep or wake. Disruptions in the cycle are also associated with depression, problems with weight control, jet lag and more. Now Prof. Yoav Gothilf of Tel Aviv...
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    Circadian's VGX-100 Significantly Inhibits Tumour Growth In Animal Models Of Human Ca

    Circadian Technologies Limited (ASX.CIR) today released data demonstrating that its lead anti-cancer therapeutic, VGX-100, significantly inhibits tumour growth in a variety of different animal models (tumour xenografts) of human cancer. These data indicate that, if clinically validated, VGX-100...
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    Circadian's VGX-100 Significantly Inhibits Tumour Growth In Animal Models Of Human Ca

    Circadian Technologies Limited (ASX.CIR) today released data demonstrating that its lead anti-cancer therapeutic, VGX-100, significantly inhibits tumour growth in a variety of different animal models (tumour xenografts) of human cancer. These data indicate that, if clinically validated, VGX-100...
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    Circadian's VGX-100 Significantly Inhibits Tumour Growth In Animal Models Of Human Ca

    Circadian Technologies Limited (ASX.CIR) today released data demonstrating that its lead anti-cancer therapeutic, VGX-100, significantly inhibits tumour growth in a variety of different animal models (tumour xenografts) of human cancer. These data indicate that, if clinically validated, VGX-100...
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    How can I reset my circadian rhythm?

    For over half a year now, I've been unable to sleep naturally at night. If I don't take sleeping pills with a couple shots of vodka, I'm wide awake until noon the next day. I stick to a schedule, avoid caffeine and get a decent amount of exercise, but to no avail. My appetite is way off-balance...