
  1. A

    Christians....Do you consider a Séance evil?

    I'm a Christian but I have participated in a Séance or two with my friends. Is it technically evil? Where does the bible say not to do that? It's not like it has to do with the devil, right?
  2. T

    Christians:Do ALL gays go to hell?

    Portrait of the most amazing person I've ever met: Brandon Jantoc ... there is no where to start. Everybody loves him. You look at his myspace friends list and it has 400 people... but he talks to every one of them. In 7th grade, our lunch group had a running joke that he was your friendliest...
  3. N

    Christians:do you claim to understand 'God'?

    I think we can all agree that if God exists, he/she/it is an infinitely complex being that lies on a plane of existence far beyond any human understanding. Being perfect in every conceivable/inconceivable way, this God is a fairly complex character. In my opinion, the Bible is lacking in its...
  4. J

    Christians:Do You Think Time-Travel Is From Satan,Or Just Plain Science?

    As stated above....But,do you Christians think that when Time Travel becomes possible;will you call it Occult,Demonic,etc...?
  5. L

    (Christians)Do you use your car/home to bring glory to God?

    For example do you use your car to pick up you kids friends or neighborhood kids to bring them to church with you?? Do you use your home to hold church meetings or have a youth group meeting at?? Or just to have fun at with your brothers and sisters in Christ?? Also..(this is just a hypothetical...
  6. Y you think....?

    UFO's are somehow tied into the end of times in Revelations? And if