
  1. C

    Whats The Name And Artist Of That Song In Chech And Chong Up In Smoke?

    The One That Plays On The Radio Before They Go To Chong"s Cousins House. That Go 's "Cause Im Searching Just Searching For A"
  2. 4

    What's Chong's name in Up in Smoke?

    In Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke, do they ever say what Chong's name is? Or is he just guy throughout the whole movie? I don't want the IMBD answer. I want someone that has seen the movie to tell me when and during what seen....
  3. 4

    What's Chong's name in Up in Smoke?

    In Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke, do they ever say what Chong's name is? Or is he just guy throughout the whole movie? I don't want the IMBD answer. I want someone that has seen the movie to tell me when and during what seen....