
  1. A

    H&M Casually Uses Plus-Size Model (The Way We Wish All Companies Would)

    The casual, random use of a plus-size model in an H&M ad for their beachwear page is a perfect example of how plus-size models should be used: normally. More » H&M Casually Uses Plus-Size Model (The Way We Wish All Companies Would) is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
  2. D

    If I own a few websites and casually link between them, does it help build page rank?

    Does the server or IP address matter?
  3. eee

    Do I need to dress up casually for the Fedex tour or for the interview?

    I'm planning on working for Fedex and see if I can apply as a package handler (college student). The security officer in the building told me to call the number that was given to me, ask the people about work, have a tour scheduled, then the application and/or interview. Now I was just...
  4. T

    Can I casually smoke cigarettes?

    Or is the nicotine too addictive to not be a pack-a-day smoker? I'm 14 and I'm curious about the effects of tobacco as I go to high-school and am constantly exposed to it's use.
  5. J

    Why do men casually joke about this ?

    When I talk to older bachelors - guys in their 30's . They casually joke about making babies WITH ME. And I find it insulting becuz I don't even find them physically attractive. Why do guys think it's funny and cool to suggest to a random female who they are not even dating about making...
  6. V

    My boyfried asks for a break for weeks but he isstill talking to casually coz...

    ...were colleagues. Whats goin on? He said he needs time for himself as we are arguing lately. We are seeing each other because we are colleague but he is sitll talking to me but work related. Dont know how to act. I want to show him I am strong that if he wants break he can get it but he is...
  7. A

    girls bike that you see just down at the beach or casually on the street question?

    hey you no those bikes that you see girls riding just around the beach or the street and they have high handle bars and they look like a bike from the 90s kind of? i wana no wat they are called because i waant to buy one. besides ebay where else could i buy one offline preferably in ausrralia
  8. A

    girls bike that you see just down at the beach or casually on the street question?

    hey you no those bikes that you see girls riding just around the beach or the street and they have high handle bars and they look like a bike from the 90s kind of? i wana no wat they are called because i waant to buy one. besides ebay where else could i buy one offline preferably in ausrralia