
  1. A

    When can I eat carbohydrates? Any fat loss and bodybuilding tips?

    Where do I start... Well I am currently 11% body fat 6"2 and around 165lbs and my goal is 7%. Doing brief research I thought it would be best to eat good sources of carbs during the day and none after 6 or 7pm and then jog to the gym around 8ish (every mon wed and fri) and eat my protein foods...
  2. J

    Are Carbohydrates Bad For Your Health? Nutrition Questions!?

    True or False: Body fatness is more closely related to diabetes than diet composition. True or False: Added sugars cause obesity and illness. True or False: People who consume high fructose corn syrup from sugary sodas, fruit punches, and other sugary beverages typically weigh no more than...
  3. A

    In diabetic exchange does carbohydrates measure the amount of carbs in the nutrition?

    'm reading diabetic exchanges for a few dishes, and for example, this one says : 6 Lean Meat (Chicken) or 5 Lean Meat (Shrimp), 2 Vegetable and 1 ½ Starch – 30 Carbohydrates Does the 30 carbohydrates in the exchange mean there would be 30 carbs in the nutriton information of the dish? Also...
  4. S

    What is healthy to eat that has no carbohydrates?

    I'm going on a no (or low) carb diet and I'm having a hard time finding foods that I can eat.. Any suggestions?
  5. P

    umm a question about carbohydrates..?

    well this semester i have biology, and we're learning about proteins and carbohydrates and all that. and my teacher always talks about food every class is kinda weird, he says how he loves it and how he eats chips with icecream and shit like that, and then he gets serious and says all food is...
  6. C

    If carbohydrates are sugars, proteins and fats, then why are they separated...

    ...on the nutrition facts? 1) i do not fully understand what carbohydrates are? 2) How do sugars turn into carbohydrates? Please use your own words to make it more simple, clearer to understand!