
  1. R

    should obama go on vacation and stop campaigning, considering who he will be...

    ...running against, hes a shoe in? unless the republicans come to there senses and reality and run a person with some intelligence and mainstream ideology, without the no to everything the do nothing house, without the rhetoric of the tea party and gop, obama will have a landslide victory. 65%...
  2. O

    Will Obama take time away from his campaigning for vacations & golf next year -

    Will he take less vacations? I'm just saying that Obama might take less vacations next year because he enjoys campaigning for Presidency that's all.
  3. G

    Mass Loss was due to bad campaigning, not shift in voter ideals

    An exit survey of Massachusetts voters confirms that "decreased turnout among constituencies that historically have voted for progressive candidates," combined with a strong Republican performance among independents, delivered Scott Brown the margins he needed to win. think progress Read the...