
  1. B

    How do you smuggle booze on a cruise ship! Help!?

    I'm going on a cruise June 10 on a Royal Caribbean cruise. I've only been on carnival cruise lines so I don't know much about Royal Caribbean. We are all of age and are just looking to save money and have a good time. Don't tell me not to because we're going to try any way. I've looked into it...
  2. A

    6 Recipes For Booze & Food Inspired By The Oscar’s Best Picture Nominees

    The Oscars are finally upon us, after months of anticipation and excitement for the film industry and its fans alike. While I do enjoy speculating on the winners and losers (those lucky, lucky losers) prior to the awards, I am much more inclined to just sit back, eat some snacks and enjoy the...
  3. G

    Japan's Most Expensive Single Malt Is a 50-Year-Old Virgin [Booze]

    If you can even find one of these ultra-limited-edition bottles of single malt whiskey from Suntory Holding, consider yourself lucky. Not many people even have the opportunity to glimpse one and even fewer are able to pony up the nearly $13,000 to buy one. More »
  4. G

    I Want to Drink the World's Tiniest Brewery's Entire Output [Booze]

    There are two ways to look at the World's Smallest Brewery, which opened in Coney Island yesterday. On one hand, it's one more in an unending string of largely-unsustainable hipster businesses, since it produces just one gallon of beer at a time. On the other hand? Beer by the gallon! More »
  5. G

    Anti-Blackout Drug to Undermine Your Hard-Earned Binges [Booze]

    Okay, scientific community. I love it when you cure disease and I get super excited when you discover new elements and all. But this study into what causes drunken blackouts—and how to prevent them—is giving my favorite coping mechanism a sad. More »
  6. H

    Are there booze cruises in Capri?

    or any other day time partys
  7. M

    What Is Wrong With Smoking Weed? Its Heather Than Booze And Tobacco.?

    Like What Is Wrong With It? Its Way Heather Than Booze And Tabacco. well why do you smoke? like smoking is just a idiot move? wast of money! weed makes you calm and feel good.
  8. S

    What is the best way to sneak booze onto a cruise ship?

    We have dyed vodka green and put it into mouthwash bottles but does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks :)
  9. M

    My fiance and I have been heavy into tobacco, booze, drugs...

    ...(coke,opiates,weed,ect) for years. He's 31 I'm 26? We want to have kids in the next 5 years. If we get our acts together a year before trying to conceive, what fertility issues (if any, hopefully not) will we face?
  10. M

    NRL to introduce booze code? Is this going to help? Your thoughts?
  11. H

    What is the beer they serve on the Cool Running Booze Cruz Tour in Ocho Rios Jamica?

    I was in Jamiaca last January and went on the Cool Running Booze Cruz. They served us a beer after we did the Dunns River Waterfall Tour and it was amazing! Does anybody know what the name of it was? I know for a fact that it was NOT Redstrip though. And where maybe I can buy it here in the...
  12. B

    Caught with booze. please help.?

    Im 15, i went to a friends house to drink some. After both us are wasted off our minds her parents come,, Well i hauled balls out,, and she was so out she pretended to sleep untill it all came back up. I called to see if she was ok and her mom answered, like so whered you get the booze, and...
  13. C

    Whats the best booze to get drunk off of?

    So me and my friend are planning to get smashed this weekend any suggestions?