
  1. H

    I am interested in publishing my book..I am 16, will they take me seriously?

    I'm scared that I send in my story, and they don't take it seriously since I'm only a teenager. I've written a couple of stories, but I'm having a difficulty of which one to send. I want to be positive on which one to get published, because I need to do extra editing on it.. Which would the...
  2. M

    any ideas...please answer if you have read the book...i need help? as usual i have waited till the last minute to do this. My rough draft for my Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Motif essay is due tomorrow. I chose the motif of Color.I have my quotes and my thesis but i need some help with the other part. Please no smart comments and no recommendations...
  3. J

    i want to write a book...i need a topic something interesting and maybe

    with a little horror please help?!!?!? horror and romantic maybe help!