
  1. T

    Being a TOTAL BOEHNER! - Dec 08,2012

    December 7, 2012, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. This week the Sack Heads pay tribute to our brave men and women who sacrificed their lives at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, when the Empire of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, and other military bases on the island of...
  2. H

    Did the Repubs whine about Boehner chatting about his golf playing over an open mic?

    To Biden at the Presidential meeting? Or how about him and Obama out there playing together? Why aren't they whining about that? Boehner isn't suppose to be out there playing golf with the "liberal enemy" pfft.
  3. D

    Isn't it sad that John Boehner can't find the courage to tell newbie tea party...

    ...members...? that he will not share his position as Speaker of the House?
  4. P

    Can you believe that John Boehner made it through the State of the Union

    Speech without crying? He was biting his lip a little at the end, but he was able to keep it together.
  5. G

    John Boehner's Boner

    John Boehner has appointed Michele Bachmann to the house intelligence committee. OK, let's have a contest. I'll start. Appointing Michele Bachmann to the Intelligence Committee is like ... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  6. F

    Why would John Boehner want to get rid of the independent "Ethics" committee? Tea

    Why would John Boehner want to get rid of the independent "Ethics" committee? Tea Party Members Do not agree!? Getting rid of a committee that is independant to check out the House is what John Boehner wants to do. Why would anyone other than someone guilty of ethical problems, want to stop it...
  7. T

    Boehner is taking a $300 million a day cruise to Canada, WITH TAXPAYER

    MONEY, WHAT WILL WE DO? I can make stuff up too.
  8. B

    Would a good example of "Trickle-Down Economics" be John Boehner handing...

    ...out Tobacco Lobby checks on the floor? Money "Starts" at the top and ends up on the "Bottom". I cannot think of a more perfect example of Reaganomics at work!
  9. T

    Boehner Says He Will Co-Sponsor Bill Codifying Hyde Amendment

    At an antiabortion-rights conference on Saturday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he will co-sponsor legislation that would ban federal funding for abortion services, The Hill reports. Boehner made the pledge at the 40th annual National Right to Life Convention, where he...
  10. T

    Stupak Declines Boehner's Request To Join Health Reform Summit As Abortion Issues Dra

    Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) on Wednesday said he would not attend Thursday's bipartisan health care summit, despite House Minority Leader John Boehner's (R-Ohio) request to the White House that the antiabortion-rights lawmaker be included in the meeting, Roll Call reports (Dennis/Kucinich, Roll...