
  1. M

    Do paramedics give people a blanket and hot coco like in the movies and tv shows?

    This is shown in a lot of movies and tv shows and it just looks so generic.
  2. C

    A Cool Blanket for your handsome horse

    Has been sold out
  3. S

    My boyfriend always farts when he laughs; and then he hides under his blanket. Why?

    He squints his face all funny and makes whimpering noises like a puppy.
  4. S

    should I put a blanket over my fish tank?

    I have a betta fish and it's summertime, so my bedroom light is on almost all the time. I know fish need to sleep and it should be dark, so should I put a blanket over it to give it darkness? Or would that like freak him out..
  5. A

    Why does my puppy whine while he chews on his blanket?

    This blanket was the first thing I let him play & chew on when he was a puppy. Now that he is 10 months old, he carries his blanket in his mouth almost everywhere & even sometimes, he'll just lay there, with his blanket in his mouth & just whine. Why does he do this? Just curious. I have 3...
  6. L

    Afgan Crochet Blanket software?

    Is there any kind of software program out there that allows you to design your afgan (granny square) blanket to see what it looks like before you actually start making it? Thanks. FREE AND/OR PAID IS FINE!
  7. G

    No blanket = dream????????????????

    i know this for a FACT, speaking for myself. when i dont use a blanket, i WILL get a dream, it's so accurate i sometimes not use a blanket just to get a dream. i dont use air conditioning because it's better for my breathing so it's not that bad but anyway, any idea what the relationship is...
  8. L

    Is McCain planning a blanket party for the newbie Franken?

    I think he needs one. Yeah what the hell maybe it's time for a senate floor brawl. If John could get his hands on the little weazel it'd be all over.
  9. M

    What is the most durable blanket material?

    My mare tore her cotton blanket apart. I put my gelding's nylon blanket on her, since she's clipped and he's not, and she tore his apart too. So what material should I get? It can't be that heavy. This is Florida and it never gets below 30, but she's clipped. Also, this is a new development...
  10. O

    Anyone ever use an emergency blanket for hiking? How well did it warm you up?

    I need something to make my sleeping bag warmer. I was wondering if they actually work and if they are comfortable.