
  1. T

    Training Doctors Who Leave To Rich Nations Costs Sub-Saharan Africa Billions

    Research published in reveals that sub-Saharan African countries lose billions of dollars by training doctors and investing in them only to find that the clinicians leave to work in developed countries. The study shows that the biggest emigration of doctors and the greatest economic...
  2. L

    What is an interesting topic with billions?

    I am trying 2 find out a very interesting topic that has billions,,, for example: there are 5,000,234,765 people living on earth(its just an example might not me true) that is not so interesting so is there anything else u guys can come up with? Please help this is for a competition! THX!
  3. T

    How can you be a member of a religion that will force billions of people to an

    eternal life of torture? Let's face it you must have issues to worship a God(s) or be a member of a religion that has already decided to punish good people (assuming that most people are good). No jury or judge and a automatic eternal sentence for 'sinners' and people who worship the wrong...
  4. T

    Study: Preventive Services Can Saves Lives, Billions Of Dollars, At Little Or No Cost

    Preventive health services such as daily aspirin use, tobacco cessation screening and alcohol abuse screening can potentially save 2 million lives and nearly $4 billion annually, according to a new paper produced by the National Commission on Prevention Priorities (NCPP). The NCPP is convened by...
  5. J

    If all religions use faith, how can billions of people accept Christ if they're busy

    worshiping another God? The five odd other billion people in the world won't believe Christ is their savior. They have faith in their own Gods. They can't be swayed. And they are all going to hell, because they will not accept Jesus Christ as their savior. :(
  6. S

    What is it that makes billions of people worldwide feel so strongly about their

    religion? whether it be Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, or whatever... what do you think it is that makes people of dozens of differnt religious beliefs feel so much love and passion for their much so that, for many, it goes before anything else in their life? I want to know what...
  7. T

    Medicare Advantage Plans Waste Billions, Report Finds

    Health insurance companies that offer private alternative Medicare plans, called Medicare Advantage, put billions of dollars toward profits and marketing rather than patient care, according to a report released Wednesday by House Democrats. Reuters: "From 2005 to 2008, Medicare...
  8. F

    The Religion Industry generates billions of dollars each year. Name one good...

    ...reason it shouldn't be taxed? Either that, or cut government services for them entirely. Next church fire- let it burn down (or let 'god' put it out, lol)
  9. R

    100's of billions in Iraq/Afghanistan~and now you complain about the domestic

    front and overwhelming needs ? right here in your own country? I heard Mccain complaining this morning that the US population hadn't had a chance to review the "Bill" ~~and that Obama had promised that everyone would be able to read it. Duh. McCain already admitted that he wasn't computer...
  10. B

    Does spending billions to make America internet dependent make us vulnerable to...

  11. N

    billions & billions for "stimulus" packages?

    ok, they screwed it up once and now they're doing it again...when do we get a say for money we'll have to re-pay?
  12. C

    Why did we give Chrysler billions of dollars if they were destined to fail?

    Did Chrysler radically change any of their business plans to even attempt from going under or did they just spend the money and keep on heading in the same direction? Who should we hold accountable for this? You cannot export if there is no demand from other countries. Most of the products we...
  13. G

    Do republicans think it is more important to give billions to kill...

    ...Foreigners than to fund US Education? Senator Collins, took out billions for education from the economic recovery bill, but added money for the pentagon weapons procurement. Is it better to kill or teach?