
  1. D

    Is Benghazi really the fault of the ambassadors previous actions of traveling

    unguarded? You have to admit he was being watched
  2. R

    If the Benghazi story had no political implications, would people still

    be this interested? 4 people dying is a tragedy. And I'm sure Obama could have done something to prevent it/react better/etc. I'd even say that It's likely that there's a cover-up here; politicians are professional liars, after all. It's just that the response seems wildly disportionate to the...
  3. T

    Did John McCain just get a put down on his Benghazi rants? RayHere, this is just for you 11 embassies attacked, yet Bush got free pass Regarding a letter that appeared here on Nov. 8, I would like to remind everyone that during the George W. Bush administration...
  4. T

    Is Benghazi turning out to be another tar baby for the White House?

    This sticky problem just won't seem to go away. Agree? Disagree? How many tar babies does that make?
  5. W

    Why wouldn't GOPers rant and rave if it were 4 Black Americans killed in Benghazi?

    Why wouldn't they rant and rave if the "seals" were all Black Americans? Like they are doing now. Bet it wouldn't be "the seals killed and got bin laden, obama had nothing to do with it" then. Then they'd be saying that Bin Laden got himself! If you ever notice, GOPers on a grand scale, never...