
  1. N

    Does wind mobile have good reception in Barrie?

    Looking to change carriers and wind has the best price but is it worth it? I'm going to mostly use it for data, please let me know Thanks
  2. L

    Taking the G2 exit in Barrie Tomorrow.?

    Any suggestions or help? Where will they take me? Parallel parking? Anyone know the route? Thanks . . . I left this a little too late and only have one chance.
  3. T

    What internet providers are available with unlimited usage in Barrie Ontario?

    Just curious there are only 2 right now that I know of and that is Rogers and Bell, both of which have usage caps. There's got to be someone else I can go with I am looking for fast internet though I would say no less that 5Mbps and no less than 800Kbs upload. Thanks again for the help.