
  1. R

    How often should I feed my tiger barbs?

    Just got 6 tiger barbs and few days on have tested the water. The water has too much nitrate in it and when looking up on the internet what caused this, it mentions over-feeding. I'm feeding them 2 pinches every night. Is that too much? Thanks x
  2. B

    What are some compatible tank mates for tiger barbs?

    Give me a list if you can
  3. O

    wich fish do you like the best oscar fish tiger barbs or electric yellows?

    wich one of them do you like the best
  4. O

    is my fish tank overstocked its 5 gallons i only have 3 tiger barbs?

    3 tiger barbs
  5. J

    Help! What is killing my Tiger Barbs?

    I have a 3 year old established tank. My Tiger Barbs are all dying off... they get a lacy look to their fins, swim erratically and eventually die. None of my other fish seem affected. I've had ICK once a year ago but it doesn't look like that... no white spots on the fish. What IS happening...
  6. A

    leaving for a week-long vacation, will 5 tiger barbs in a 10gallong be OK w/o food?

    it'd be nice if someone answered who didn't feed for a week or more and tiger barbs or similar fish were fine. thanks if it's not fine, how about fed 3-4 days? i may be able to get someone to come in and feed once.
  7. M

    how many cherry and gold barbs can i keep in a 20 gallon fish tank?

    i have 2 corydora catfish and have 2 cherry and 3 gold barbs. i was thinking about gettin 5 bleeding heart tetras. is this ok or should i just add more cherry adn gold barbs instead of getting the tetras?
  8. L

    African butterfly fish with tiger barbs?

    i currently have a 90g tank with 4 tinfoil barbs 2 tiger barbs and other catfish, i know tiger barbs are fin nippers and the butterfly fish have got long fins but would the butterfly be too aggresive for the tiger barbs and they wouldn't approach it or would they tear it to shreds? thanks
  9. Z

    how should i get rid of my tiger barbs?

    i bought some tiger barbs but it turns out that they are extremely nasty fish and are ruining my tank comunity as i have 4 plattys a male guppie and 6 neons how should i get rid of the tiger barbs id doubt the pet store will take them back andi dont wanna kill them what can i do ???
  10. B

    Barbs and gold... is it safe?

    I have a few gold fish and a plecostomus (sucker fish). Will it be safe to add any of the following: 1. Tiger barb 2. Albino tiger barb 3. Green tiger barb 4. Rosy barb 5. The other type of barb plz answer asap before they get me...
  11. 1

    do they sell TORPEDO barbs at petco/petsmart?

    have u seen one of those new torpedo barbs in stores??, i wanna buy about 6-8 of them. and how much do they cost