
  1. N

    What fish would go awesomely with a Green Spotted Puffer?

    Right now I have a nice little temporary 10 gallon tank (brackish) and would like to know what fish would go great with him, its only one.... but not Bala Sharks
  2. G

    I Want to Eat This Awesomely Yummy 3,000 GummyBear Lamp So Badly

    Fortunately, this gummy bear lamp is not actually made of real gummy bears, but 3,000 cast acrylic GummiBears. Not because of security concerns—imagine all those poor bears melting and causing a disaster—but because I would eat the whole thing. More »
  3. A

    Nordstrom Awesomely Chooses Quadriplegic Model Angela Rockwood For New Campaign

    I think I can speak for everyone here at Blisstree when I say that we love when fashion designers and retailers choose diverse models to work with! We squeal with delight when we hear that anyone broke out of the normal mold and gave an under-represented group a chance to shine. (Alright, I...
  4. A

    Joan’s Awesomely Feminist Sexual Transaction On Mad Men

    Say what you will about the larger sociocultural narrative, the morality, or implications of last night's Mad Men episode: In terms of*believability for the character—well, I bought it; of course this is what Joan would do, because Joan is awesome. And practical. And feminist. More »Post from...
  5. C

    Can you list some awesomely bad produced RHH tracks?

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