
  1. G

    LEGO Mindstorm Ogre Autonomously Detects, Targets, and Destroys Other LEGO Creations

    This is "Ogre," an autonomous, projectile-launching, LEGO block-destroying remote control tank. Ogre could honestly be the first LEGO creation I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. No minifig is safe this afternoon. Ogre is a "Tank" built around a Zamor launching system nicknamed...
  2. S

    I'm trying to run an old RC hummer autonomously using a BasicX programming...

    ...chip and a TPIC0108B H-bridge for ? I'm trying to run an old RC hummer autonomously using a BasicX programming chip and a TPIC0108B H-bridge for motor speed, direction control, and amp shutdown. The H-bridge shuts down 5 amps, however when the motor first starts up, it spikes, drawing 6 or...