
  1. A

    ISO-free ipad games/apps for autistic kids/teens.?

    Looking for any good free apps or games for my 2 autistic brothers.. anyone know of any?
  2. H

    Old friend is spreading rumors that I'm autistic?

    We were once really good friends. There was this girl in my class who I called an "attention whore", because she is. He went and told her what I said. Now she constantly harasses me about it, all thanks to him. Then he stops talking to me and started telling people that he hates me when I did...
  3. A

    Miss America Announces Alexis Wineman, First Autistic Contestant (And Super Positive

    Say what you will about the Miss America pageant (like how it sexualizes women and perpetuates our society's unhealthy obsession with body image), but they are doing something really awesome right now: They have announced their first-ever contestant with autism. Meet Alexis Wineman. The...
  4. J

    Does anybody know about a movie on Netflix about a autistic Asian girl who...

    ...could watch tv and learn kungfu? She fights this gang just to save her mother who left a gang to live a normal life.
  5. M

    Good games, toys, iPad apps for an autistic toddler?

    I know of someone whose 2 year old was just diagnosed with autism. What are fun and imaginative games, toys, iPad apps that are good for her?
  6. M

    Games, toys, iPad apps for autistic toddlers/children?

    I know of someone whose 2 year old was just diagnosed with autism. Are there any fun games, toys, or iPad apps that would be good for her?
  7. C

    Recommendations for iPad apps for five year old autistic boy?

    I have a five year old with autism. His developmental level is under two years. Can someone recommend some good speech apps and other essentials? Thanks
  8. G

    Brain response to facial expression in autistic individuals and their siblings

    Siblings of those diagnosed with autism are more than 20 times as likely as members of the general population to also have autism. Some of these siblings also show evidence of autism-like but less marked cognitive and social communication problems. This suggests that autism has either an...
  9. T

    Methods To Measure How Well Schools Implement Teaching Programs For Autistic Preschoo

    Researchers from the University of Miami (UM) Department of Psychology participated in a multi-site study to examine different teaching models for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The study is one of the first to look at the fidelity of treatment models for preschoolers with autism...
  10. T

    Female-To-Male Transsexual People (Transmen) Have More Autistic Traits

    A new study from Cambridge University, funded by the Medical Research Council, has found for the first time that female-to-male transsexual people have a higher than average number of autistic traits. The study has important implications for the clinical management of biological girls with...
  11. F

    Can you catch autism if you have sex with an autistic prostitute?

    I'm asking for a friend.
  12. B

    apps for android mobile for autistic child as a communication device (not an iphone)?

    Need cheap/free app I can download to use on a android phone (not iphone) for a non verbal child to use for communication. We use pecs & boardmaker at home but need to have something on the phone
  13. G

    Father Invents System to Help Autistic Son Communicate [Lifechanger]

    As a result of severe autism and learning disabilities, eleven-year-old Callum Lodge is unable to talk. In order to allow his son to communicate with the world around him, his father has developed Speaks4me, an electronic communication system. More »
  14. R

    Are there any fiction authors who are autistic?

    It is a common perception that autistics are bad at writing fiction. How true is this? I know of one fantasy author who is autistic. Any other fiction authors who are autistic, have aspergers or autistic trait. Please could I have name of author and which category they come into.
  15. R

    Can you list some autistic celebrities?

    That you know of? Would be appreciated
  16. D

    How can you tell if some one is an autistic savant?

    What are the symptoms?
  17. P

    What is the chance of an autistic gay man to find his love?

    Well, sometimes I am worried of finding the right person as most people tend to prefer the ones with cheerful and talkative characteristic. Moreover, I am a closet one, so it gives me even less chance.