
  1. T

    Jane Austen never idolises her characters even the most sympathetic are shown... have marked defeats.discuss? Literature in English and answers must say how far you agree with this view and refer to at least three characters from Sense and Sensibility
  2. M

    explain this part from mansfield park by jane austen?

    Starting, the lady instinctively moved a step or two, but recovering herself in a moment, affected to laugh, and asked him, in a tone not much louder, "if he would give her away?" "I am afraid I should do it very awkwardly," was his reply, with a look of meaning. what is going on?? its from...
  3. A

    Austen Lane?s workout plan should inspire true greatness

    When it comes to an off-season workout program, you can have your kettlebells, plyometrics, and weights upon weights. We'll go with the new plan put together by Jacksonville Jaguars defensive end Austen Lane. The third-year pro, selected in the fifth round out of Murray State in 2010, hasn't...
  4. E

    What is interesting about the way Austen sequences the narrative in Pride and...

    ...prejudice? i have a rough idea but could do with a little extra help to answer the question for my essay . any valuable comments will be appreciated.
  5. C

    Which Jane Austen novel should I read?!?

    I can't decide between Northanger Abbey or Mansfield Park! Which one is better (or more romantic)? HELP!
  6. M

    what is Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice about?

    just a small summary please, of the main idea.
  7. J

    I am Brazilian and want to buy the Jane Austen DVD box, but I need to know which

    subtitles...? ...does it have, please? Help? It's a gift for my sister and she doesn't speak English, so I will need Portuguese subtitles or any subtitles at all, so she will be able to understand it.
  8. G

    Does Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen have a happy ending?

    I am so absolutely addicted to the novel Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, but I know most classic literature doesn't always end happily. I would like to know, without telling me what happens, if the ending is a good or bad ending? Thank you.
  9. C

    Did Mr. Elton marry in Bath? (Austen's novel Emma)?

    Do you know which chapter includes a description or even a passing comment of his being married to Augusta Hawkins? Thanks!
  10. S

    what about Jane Austen; Who is she and what she did?

    I'm gonna do a Character Interpretation for Jane Austen. I heard she was the one who wrote Pride and Prejudice. In short, Who is Jane Austen? How did she lived her life? What did she contributed? Oh can I ask a bonus question; What about Pride and Prejudice? What is it all about?
  11. E

    Can anyone help me regarding a quote from a Jane Austen novel?

    My dad once told me about a quote in one of the novels that said, basically, that sometimes someone loves you (or falls in love with you) simply because the other person loves (or is in love with) them. Does this ring a bell to anyone? (In my recollection, the quote did NOT come from one of the...
  12. H

    Doesn't Gossip Girl remind you of a Jane Austen novel?

    it's like a modern day Jane Austen isn't it? Which novel does it specifically remind you of?