
  1. A

    What exposure and aperture should I set my camera in a MMA fight event?

    Im going to a MMA fight tomorrow (MIXED martial arts) I have a canon t2i camera.I want to take really good pics of the event, its a indoor place, its kinda dark but the caged fight is on a stadium and there are alot of spotlights. but in the audience area the lights are very dim..Which exposure...
  2. Y

    Any tips regarding iso and aperture when shooting handheld low light photography? ?

    I am going to new york city next month so would like to be able to take quick snapshots at night around the city with the pictures coming out clear and crisp.
  3. D

    If you had the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (Portal Gun),

    what would you do with it? Obviously I'm excited for Portal 2.
  4. M

    What happens if I look into the operational end of the Aperture Science

    Handheld Portal Device? Will Black Mesa save me?
  5. H

    Do macs come with Aperture?

    Do they come with Aperture, or do you have to buy it separately?
  6. D

    Is the ASHPD (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device) from Portal scientifically...

    ...possible? I wasn't sure if it has been proven wrong.