
  1. A

    Vancouver Green Men called snow globe collecting virgins by Sharks announcers (Video)

    The Green Men are a staple at Vancouver Canucks games, mocking opponents in the penalty box with their unique brand of prop comedy. But not everyone’s a fan, apparently. During Game 1 of the Western Conference quarterfinals on Wednesday night, the Green Men taunted San Jose Sharks defenseman...
  2. T

    who writes the ring announcers introduction cards?

    because i sometimes see some ring announcers use card to introduce the fighters whether its wrestling, boxing or mma
  3. N

    When will these announcers get a sense of humor? (Jets fan on field)?

    I hate hearing these boring announcers complain about a fan running on the field and say how "stupid" it is...shut up. It's funny. get over it...who cares? even Rex Ryan thought it was rather watch some moron run on the field instead of hearing some piece of boring annoucer...
  4. G

    The Marlins announcers said that nobody would argue about who is the best...

    ...pitcher in baseball- Halladay. Agree? They mentioned it in the pre game. And then Halladay did what everyone thought he would do. He shut the Marlins (a good hitting team) down cold. I am a Marlins fan and it was cool to watch Halladay pitch but it sucked because we lost to him! Watching...
  5. J

    Okay, who were the football announcers on NFL jacked-up a few years ago?!?

    I remember there was like really black guy, and he was my favorite announcer for football. He did jacked-up i remember that for sure. Can anyone help?!? Who were the announcers for NFL jacked up?! Please answer!
  6. J

    Okay, who were the football announcers on NFL jacked-up a few years ago?!?

    I remember there was like really black guy, and he was my favorite announcer for football. He did jacked-up i remember that for sure. Can anyone help?!? Who were the announcers for NFL jacked up?! Please answer!