
  1. A

    Does Amtrak NEED proof of birth date for a 16 year old traveling alone?

    I'm 15 and I need to take a 2hr train ride since my mother is unable to drive. I look like I could pass for 18, and my mom is willing to purchase the ticket. I have a valid high school issued PHOTO ID without my birth date on it. Will they accept this and not question further for my age?
  2. P

    Traveling Amtrak for the first time, major concerns?

    Tomorrow night I'm traveling Amtrak for the first time. I'm going from Iowa to California, so its somewhat of a long trip. I'm extremely nervous. I'm 19 and this is my first time traveling and traveling alone. I an really worried because the station I'm getting on at doesn't have anyone there...
  3. P

    Amtrak or Greyhound, which is better?

    In January I will be traveling from Iowa to California alone. I am planning on flying one way, however I want to take another form of transportation the other. I have taken a Greyhound from Iowa to Ohio before, but I people with me. I really didn't mind it. I actually thought it was fun. I...
  4. S

    Does the DC metro card work on Amtrak?

    I usually travel between DC. Now I have visit NY once a month. Does the smart trip metro card work on Amtrak to Penn Station? Do i have buy a separate ticket?
  5. I

    Any tips for amtrak coach train travel with a 6 month old?

    i'm about to take my son on his first trip to fl to see family. i have been on the train many times but never with a baby. it will be an 11 hour trip if the train is on time. do you have any tips or experience with train travel with a baby?
  6. I

    Any tips for amtrak coach train travel with a 6 month old?

    i'm about to take my son on his first trip to fl to see family. i have been on the train many times but never with a baby. it will be an 11 hour trip if the train is on time. do you have any tips or experience with train travel with a baby?
  7. N

    If the Amtrak station you're leaving at has luggage checks but not the one you're...

    ...ending at how does that work? There's three stations in my trip, the first two have baggage checks and help with baggage but the one I'm ending up at, doesn't. What does that mean for my luggage? Am I still going to be able to receive all my luggage at the station or what? Anything helps, thanks!
  8. B

    do passenger trains like Amtrak roll through your city?

    how often do you see them?
  9. T

    Other trains you can travel by besides amtrak ?

    wanting to go from nc to dc (lol)
  10. K

    How far is the Vancouver BC Amtrak station from the cruise terminal?

    I'm going on a cruise departing from Vancouver BC, and will be taking the train from Seattle. I'm wondering how close the train station is to the cruise terminal since I will be arriving the day of the cruise.
  11. A

    How safe is taking an Amtrak train?

    I might take the Amtrak on a 2 to 3 day trip. I'm concerned about the safety. Also, how cramped are they usually?
  12. A

    Which would be better to travel across the US in: Amtrak train or Greyhound bus?...

    ...(serious answers please)? I'm going from Illinois to California (not across the country but still pretty far). I don't want to take a plane this time, and I'm wondering which would be better - taking the Amtrak or Greyhound bus. If you've had experience being on either of these for long...
  13. S

    Amtrak or Sounder Community Rail?

    Im going from Seattle to Tacoma, what is the best option; Amtrak or Sounder Community Rail? What are the differences between them two, and is there another better way of communting that you might have, excpet for car.
  14. A

    Is Amtrak bus good to travel with? is it clean and comfortable?

    So I am planing on taking the Amtrak to LA because it is way cheaper than airplane on thanks giving weekend. Do you know if its clean or comfortable to travel with? I know its gonna take like 9 hrs or whatever and its maybe hard to sleep but is it clean and safe?
  15. D

    food to eat while traveling on amtrak?

    im traviling on amtrak and having a turkey for lunch and not sure what to have for dinner??? i dont want the food they serve on the train
  16. P

    I am travelling with Amtrak on Friday, I want to cancel it and reschedule... for thursday.Help URGENT? I want a REFUND and i bought the ticket online, what should i do, shd i go to the station or do it online.I heard there are cancellation fees.I really want to reschedule it for Thursday.i NEED A REFUND.its urgent I need help And what is the Phone number for...