
  1. T

    ACLU Urges CMS To Ensure Access To Emergency Reproductive Care At Catholic Hospitals

    In a letter to CMS on Wednesday, the American Civil Liberties Union asked federal health officials to ensure that Catholic hospitals provide emergency reproductive care to pregnant women, arguing that refusal to provide abortions at religiously affiliated hospitals is a growing problem, the...
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    Wall Street Journal Columnist Praises ACLU For Defending Susan B. Anthony List In Ohi

    The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio is assisting the antiabortion-rights group Susan B. Anthony List in a case that "tells us a great deal about threats to conviction and free speech in modern American politics," Wall Street Journal columnist William McGurn writes. At issue is a billboard...
  3. S

    The leader of ACLU is running commercials telling people that if they are in

    their yard and a cop walks up? they will have to prove who they are,,,DUH UH, I am an American Citizen and if A cop walks up to my yard I have to prove who I am so why do organizations like this resort to lies?
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    Florida ACLU Urges Veto Of Ultrasound Bill; Kan., Mo., Legislatures Address Abortion-

    The ACLU of Florida asked the governor to veto a bill that contains two antiabortion amendments, while the Kansas and Missouri legislatures addressed measures on federal family planning funding, emergency contraception and abortion. Summaries appear below. ~ Florida: The American Civil Liberties...
  5. G

    Humanists dissed by ACLU in Mississippi: Your opinion needed.

    I don't know what to think about this. Remember the prom, where the lesbian girl wanted to wear a tux (gasp!) and bring her girlfriend (gasp) so the local already known to be wacked out school district shut the prom down? You may also know that the ACLU organized an alternate prom, and has been...
  6. N

    What was the significance of Reno v. ACLU in deciding future cases and to US history?

    What was the significance of Reno v. ACLU? I already know about how it struck down the Communications Decency Act for its violations of free speech provided by the First Amendment. What I need to know is its significance in deciding future cases and its significance to US history.