
  1. A

    Why You Should Cook: 96% Of Chain Restaurants Don’t Meet U.S. Dietary Guidelines

    The dietary guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. aren't exactly a beacon of perfect nutrition; many criticize the balance of nutrients and believe that it favors an overly *amount of dairy, meat, and carbs. So the fact that 96% of chain restaurants fail to meet their...
  2. A

    96% Of Teen Girls Wish For A Different Body; Why Women Are To Blame

    Most of us probably spent inordinate amounts of time in front of the mirror when we were teens. Trying new hairstyles, experimenting with makeup, singing into our hairbrushes. That's a normal way of growing up and becoming comfortable with who we are and how we look. But according to a new...
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    96% of people can't figure out this riddle... Can you?

    A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and points it at him. The man says "thank you" and leaves. Why did the man thank the bartender? 10 points to the first correct answer :)
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    What is the future value of $1,400 in 20 years assuming an interest rate of 9.6%

    compounded semiannually? A. $1,673.18 B. $9,132.28 C. $1,875.26 D. $8,756.67 E. $8,675.67
  5. T

    gta 4 running slow? 18fps 96% processor usage?

    core 2 duo 2.25ghz, 4 gb ram, 9800 512mb nvidia. I can play cod5 and fallout 3 on max settings but gta4 lags. why?