1. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 670 - Matt 15:10 - 19:30 - Dec 27,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  2. M

    why do the people in coronation street talk like its the 1930's?

    just think about it who says things like i'm flaming sick of folk round here and theres been a tado at work. Imean why dont they just come in and say trouble at mill
  3. T

    How did Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers influence/impact America in the 1930's?

    I'm doing a term paper on the 1930's and I picked to do Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. I need to write about how they impacted America in this era. I know they inspired many dances, but is there anything else I can write about? I need two other main ideas for my paper and some support for the...
  4. J

    Where can I buy a set of 1930's reproduction feedsack print kitty appliques?

    A year or so ago I found a website selling sets of reproduction feedsack print fabric. They had sets of small quilt squares, large quilt squares, kitty appliques, and heart appliques. Now i cannot find the same website. Any ideas?
  5. A

    A heat pump removes 1930 J of heat from the outdoors and delivers 3070 J of heat to

    the inside of a house.? A heat pump removes 1930 J of heat from the outdoors and delivers 3070 J of heat to the inside of a house. (a) How much work does the heat pump need? 1140J (b) What is the coefficient of performance of the heat pump? ???????
  6. A

    A heat pump removes 1930 J of heat from the outdoors and delivers 3070 J of

    heat to the inside of a house.? A heat pump removes 1930 J of heat from the outdoors and delivers 3070 J of heat to the inside of a house. (a) How much work does the heat pump need? ______ J (b) What is the coefficient of performance of the heat pump? _________
  7. A

    A heat pump removes 1930 J of heat from the outdoors and delivers 3070 J of

    heat to the inside of a house.? A heat pump removes 1930 J of heat from the outdoors and delivers 3070 J of heat to the inside of a house. (a) How much work does the heat pump need? ______ J (b) What is the coefficient of performance of the heat pump? _________
  8. S

    What was mens and womens fashion in 1930, England like?

    Was it similar to the American fashion? Links to detailed sites with lots of pictures would be awesome, as I'm having trouble finding some! Thankyou!
  9. B

    who was the two richest people in the 1930's?

    ive been trying to find this but the great depression was the main story form back then so its kinda hard to find anything about the rich people. ouch rachel but thx for the answer...
  10. J

    what were some canadian politics that existed during the 1920's and 1930's?

  11. M

    Does anyone know some fashion trends started by Hollywood in the 1930's?

    Thanks guys, I've got Joan Crawford and Judy Garland already but I need more :(
  12. M

    What are some of the fashions that Hollywood 'created' in the 1930's?

    I know the bareback dress is one...anything else? Thanks
  13. H

    Search for 1930's Music, Games, Any type of recreation...?

    Project time of the year! I'm currently searching for any of the things listed in the title, and w/e other type of recreational type of thing the citizens of the Great Depression did to occupy themselves. Pictures of the games, as well as information on how to play them would be great. Music...
  14. R

    Does anyone know of a market for a 1930's?

    Rca Radio? It Works,was A Wedding Gift To My Folks,and I Cannot Think Of Someone Using It For Firewood.