1. A

    How do you make a Nokia 1112 compatable with an O2 sim card in oppose to tesco? ?

    Got an old Nokia 1112 to use when doing sports, I have had it in a draw for a fuw years, Put an O2 card in it and it came up saying 'sim not valid' how do you jail break? Thanks.
  2. G

    What are some good similes of Hector in Books 11-12 in the Iliad?

    I am looking for two quotes in Books 11-12 of the Iliad about Hector which shows how his character evolves. Thank you so much for the help!
  3. M

    Lady gaga concert go-toers, shoudl I wait for like 8-9-10-11-12 hours in line

    BEFORE the concert to meet her? THIS IS NOT A JOKE, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE STUPID ANSWERS LIKE "SHE SUCKS!" and all that retarded crap. This is a REAL QUESTION. Would I have a better chance waiting?
  4. S

    Hi pls any tell me i have Nokia 1112 mobile. I need new ring tones via sms.?

    I dont have MP3 Or Bluetooth or Download facility.
  5. A

    On the game 1112 for iphone and ipod touch, how do you fix the broiler?

    When I go to check the broiler to try to fix like i start from the left and do left(0) the right (I) lest (0) then lest (0) and i switch the dial to 4(black) and 2(white) but once i click the button it is still red help me!
  6. M

    How do you get the memo for the code in 1112 iPod/iPhone application?

    Can anyone help? I just spent money on this application which I can't even figure out how to play !
  7. J

    Comcast cable Video on Demand error 1112?

    Seems like clowncast cable..err comcast is useless like usual, last 3 months my video on demand service worked perfectly fine, now it works in the living room, but not in my bedroom (i have 2 cable boxes in the house) when I try the video on demand service in my bedroom I get two different...