1. W

    How do I get a pay-as-you-go Nokia 1110 phone from Egypt to work with my U.S. ATT...

    ...pay-as-you go SIM card? The phone seems to work, but it will not acquire the ATT network in Seattle.
  2. E

    I need a direct link to download VLC for ubuntu 11.10?

    I need to use
  3. J

    How to disable the alt + click in Ubuntu 11.10?

    I just got photoshop and it's a little annoying to have switch to windows 7 each time I want to use it. But to use it in Ubuntu 11.10, I can't use the alt + click for most of the things I need. How do i disable it?
  4. J

    How to get Text Messages from my Nokia 1110 phone to my PC?

    I have filled my inbox several times, and have had to keep deleting messages to make space for more. I have deleted all the messages I can bear to part with. There must be a simple way to get the messages off my Nokia 1110 mobile phone and onto my computer. (It would also be good if I could...