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  1. R

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I wholeheartedly endorse your recovery methods
  2. R

    Book review- Street Sword by Phil Elmore

    Fine, I don't go round judging as if they are a threat but I am as you said entitled to my opinion, you are too and Phil is as well, how he puts it across is up to him but even though I disagree with him on a load of things, doesn't mean i have to go around backstabbing him on a forum where he...
  3. R

    The blatant lies thread

    I DO NOT Have an awesome back piece!
  4. R

    Knight Breaks 8000

    NaughtyKnight: Taking Postwhoring to the next level since October 2004. Congrats man. You're one who definitly keeps this place interesting
  5. R

    Honey Nut Clusters

  6. R

    How do you read internet acronyms? idgaf
  7. R

    So internet censorship...

    There's apparently action being taken against these too.
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    Hahahah foghorn leghorn
  9. R

    message from moi

    For real?? Ah man, Moi take care mate. Was hoping to meet you up there for one of the events. Hope to see you back!
  10. R


    Well you forgot Taco Bell, Wendy's, Subway, KFC and probably more I can't think of right now :rolleyes: Sonic is good though.
  11. R

    Ebay Auction - IT Equipment

    Who would want him. I wonder if this will get by the mods????
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    :tup: Chicken and waffles too.
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    Xmas time-what do you do in your vacation?

    I just did a bowl of hot steamed ginger custard (yeah that sounds dodgy eh?)... and then did another. And then washed it down with an egg sandwich. Good times on Xmas. WTF.
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    Break-up Woes

    I doubt it, the begging to have me back was about 20 hours after she dumped me, and as far as I know, before she'd even met the other guy...
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    I want to make a video.

    What if we are already famous on YouTube?
  16. R

    Straw help

    why waste ur time correcting my shit posts. when u really could be posting usefully
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    Favorite Candy

    Blerk, candy... BLEUCH
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    Snapping Turtle as pet? It's your choice?
  19. R

    Pub Map!

    every five minutes some moron would come in proclaiming their (unreferenced) skills in defeating all martial art systems. They would stay 10 minutes then realise nobody is listening. And then call us all fags.
  20. R

    Leah's Lucky Pup Ranch (Masaryktown, Florida)?

    Lucky Pup Ranch Just thought I'd add my experience. We purchased a Siberian Husky pup from Mario Garcia at LuckyPup Ranch last summer, and an acquaintance of ours purchased a Lab from there as well. (The two pups were purchased within a month of each other, although we didn't realize it until...