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  1. M

    Kebab Anyone?

    Fortunately I only eat falafel kebabs.
  2. M

    ZAST!!!!! yes its back

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    MAP Snowboarding

    im working on sat but i am trying to take it off. should know def by friday.
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    I agree with you that things such as rocks, trees, cars are 'just' there. But by naming them we conceptualize them. When I name that thing in my back yard a tree, I do not 'just' give it a name. I also give it all the characteristics of what I call a tree (roots, a trunk, branches, leaves... you...
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    smallest is .22, biggest is 30mm cannon, i've shot almost all of them. redneck meets japan :dodgyrun:, also some car stuff Jaguar and indian stuff on a rabbit skin More jaguars
  6. M

    Impossible puzzle? Nope.

    just listen to hefner he knows more then us
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    Men, women, and sex

    Did Frodo allow you to post this comment?
  8. M

    Men, women, and sex

    Ah, sorry. I'm a little slow on this (being my lack of knowledge and age) so I'd thought I'd ask some questions, since it's better to ask and be ridiculed but know then not ask and not know anything at all. That, and I'm interested in what other MAP members have to say Most of my questions...
  9. M

    Bigamny now legal in the uk!

    I think his point was that since these are things that Muslims are permitted to do via their religion, you can't blame them for doing so where they are also permitted by the laws of a given society. I.E. This is something that should be taken up with the governing body responsible for imposing...
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    Upset, want to know if I am wrong for it.

    You see what you are doing here is calling everyone else weird or a liar while considering yourself "normal". That's not the case. You are pretty out there. I can accept that people find babies icky. I can accept people don't like children. But you are extreme and realising that would probably...
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    Famous last words

    This could be interesting. Post some famous last words, and if possible the story behind them. I'm going outside, I may be some time - Antarctic explorer Capt Lawrence Oates
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    Spreading the holiday joy...

    Thanks for sharing you scabby old git!!!!!
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    Yeah Su, I agree with that. My take to pride on patriotism. 1. Personal pride - satisfaction in own acheivements and values. 2. Proud of another - admiration and respect for anothers acheivements and values that you have an emotional attatchment to. 3. Pride in country - admiration and respect...
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    Cybernation V5.0

    Can I get your money/infra?
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    Webpage software

    Whatever happened to good old raw HTML?
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    The Death Penalty

    I have a hard time believing 8% for child molestors. I just saw that 37% of sex offenders end up in prison again within 5 years. The numbers that I read earlier showed almost 60% of former prisoners are back in prison within 5 years. I think that...
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    Teaching in the UK

    Coming to visit DC . cool! A couple of instructors of the ukbagua institute up round Gloucester You also won't be too far from the hills and valleys of Wales.. Oxford is sort of halfway between there & London .. so would be good choice too I think...
  18. M

    Wich one is better???or wich should i get??

    personally if you want to spend a little more cash go for the Ellite..If not the Premium Pros are fine..... There alot more reliable now since the chip switch over
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    should i buy an xbox 360 PRO or PS3 80 gig (im not focused on the memory)?

    a 360 straight up with live and halo 3 and call of duty 4.
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    does the ps3 have better graphics than the xbox 360? and what system is better?

    does the ps3 have better graphics than the xbox 360? and what system is better?