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  1. M

    friend stung by dead bee

    yo you guys ever notice the lead singer from Plain White Tees has a huge nose, which is probably why the songs sound so nasally?
  2. M

    Who all agrees that pubertyguy123....

    PLEASE I BEG YOU PLEASE get me a picture of him. I need to see this, now.
  3. M

    The Presents thread....

    cullen - I've asked Santa to let you win the lottery Narc - I hope those come in red On a serious note, I still want to light people on fire because this gift giving is a load of BS. How about just giving people hugs and kisses...they're free and unlimited :P
  4. M

    A whole new low...

    #1 raise your little Italian sausage fingers and ask your biology teacher to explain to you darwin's theory #2 what? #3 darwin's theory survival of the fittest, says that those who are best fit - survive. fitness refers to one's ability to spread their sperm into an egg, or in your missing...
  5. M

    The World Cup

    GO CZECH REP... i bet 10 for them to win world cup haha... 33/1 odds!!! my prediction is czech 3 - 1 USA
  6. M

    to all you americans!

    Most rednecks, live in rural country areas. Tend to have less than stellar educations, like auto racing, have run down homes, shop A LOT at wal-marts, very down to earth type people. And if I've offended anyone, I'm sorry.
  7. M

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    yes this is exactly why people hate Margaret thatcher
  8. M

    What is so important about Israel?

    Religion makes extraordinary claims, especially Islam considering it claims to be the last and final religion. Because your (the 1%) want to take it seriously, they feel their taken offence on gods behalf. Its an excuse to be violent. How many times is God - in the Christian sense-, insulted...
  9. M

    Police procedure question - cuff prior to pat down

    If you're not being compliant or acting like a fool, you can be detained in handcuffs for a reasonable period of time. It's perfectly legal for them to do so so long as there's an articulable reason for doing so. This is not the US becoming a police state, it's a safety issue for all involved.
  10. M

    What are you doing right now?

    I say indeed all the time too Currently I'm working on editing a paper for publication. Tough stuff.
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    Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

    Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?" I once finished "Manic Miner" on my Zx Spectrum+ if that helps qualify me.......
  12. M

    UK Parachuting

    Think I'll end up paying myself though, but it is a once in a lifetime experience. I finish Uni mid May so i can start organising stuff then, whens good for you guys ?. We could arrange it around when people have got holidays and stuff.
  13. M

    What are you snacking on right now?

    Southern coffee (i.e. with chicory) and one of the scones I made last night. Mmmmm. Cafe du Monde style late.
  14. M

    computer help

    Quite, i realise that companies are currently in the process of making a 'compromise' with the audience. One suggestion i heard was free downloads if there could be adverts embedded into the files. So you hear an advert, then the song plays. Or video all depending... I've not heard of free void...
  15. M

    Political correctness....

    Political correctness is getting really out of control now. I was in a pub at the weekend having a meal with some friends and I noticed something odd on the dessert menu. I asked the waitress "What's 'Sticky Richard'?". To which she told me that it's Spotted Di ck, but they're not allowed to...
  16. M

    Ouiji Board

    I love all the off I have never used one but my mom has and she told me to never mess with it..I wonder what happened..
  17. M

    Wiggers vs. Chavs

    Most chavs speak with west indian accents anyway and wish they were black. Tim Westwood is a prize example of a wigger.
  18. M

    Do you think voters would have been willing to lineup to vote for Obama if he

    Yes, because McCain would have still chosen Palin, and they would have still said all the dumb stuff they've said.
  19. M

    Why does HOLLYWOOD only cast Morgan Freeman and Samual L. Jackson in...

    You need to get out more. There is Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Anthony Hamilton, Tey Diggs, etc.