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  1. M

    hat backward or forward?

    lol i dont wear caps or hats at all for that matter, they don't fit over my hair
  2. M

    New Interview with the Deadliest Man Alive!!!!!!!

    please please please.... if you are not familiar with ashida kim........ head to bullshido you'll find all you need there with a simple search
  3. M

    Top Ninja Master Speaks Out!

    And if you beat him he'll give you $10'000
  4. M

    best day ever

    Join date 2011 I don't think you're allowed to bring up join dates :(
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    girl trouble

    darn guys, i feel like such a joke posting a question like this, but the advise i get from my friends is no good. when you get a crush on someone, how do you give them hints that your interested, how can you tell if they like you and what kind of hints would they show you???? i have trouble...
  6. M

    For all you London drivers

    yeah, well they all have far too much money anyway - it serves them right!
  7. M

    Anyone a card player?

    its more fun and cheaper (unless ur admazinf at poker, or just a dam good cheap)
  8. M


    naaah...the next step is to keep beating it with a stick until it is a big, fleshy gooey pile
  9. M

    Decent, affordable areas to live around D.C./Silver Spring, MD?

    I have a friend who is living on Ft Meade because his wife works for the government. He tells me it's massively expensive to live off the post, so that might also be an option.
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    Happy Birthday Freeform!

    Happy belated birthday, Freeform! (I'm too late for the cake, I guess...)
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    Gaaah! I have such a girl crush on Zooey Deschanel!

    Me too :borat: I liiike.
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    Bunny, relax, and stop taking things so seriously. I see you're still carrying that air of smugness everywhere you go. Are you still upset at me calling you something along the lines of a "cynical, arrogant old crock" circa 6 years ago? I figured someone like yourself (and you are far removed...
  13. M

    Greatest Military achievements

    I once wrote an ESSAY on this subject.
  14. M

    Everybody Draw Mohammad Day

    In US - only 6% of terrorist attacks from 1980-2005 were carried out by Islamic Extremists Can you draw a cartoon about that please? With a load of christians, right wingers and latinos with bombs and stuff and then one lone muslim at the back that can't get a look in? Yes you can!! Ain't...
  15. M

    Urban Legends

    dude, of course its stupid, but the point is that the song baa baa black sheep is not 'banned' and never has been. because that would be stupid.
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    Hands down the most disgusting story I have ever read.

    that story is almost TOO fake
  17. M

    Past or the Future?

    the future sounds really cool and all, but i would play it safe and rather live in the past, because it already happened and i know the causes and outcomes of all their problems