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  1. H

    Butt bone connected to the ear bone

    What holding a hot burning crumpet between their inflamed butt cheeks. If you have ever seen Black Adder II, the episode about politics & "Pitt the Younger's" days at boarding school" you'll know what I'm talking about.
  2. H

    World War 3

    in most cases, especially with the war on terrorism, terrorist leaders will use religious extremists to their advantage. A silver tongue and a bit of religious knowledge will get you a devoted army pretty quickly, i mean, if you think religion has nothing to do with war (not that you do) just...
  3. H

    Abortion is Wrong

    I think the whole abortion thing is an easier to explain way of population control, and since we are a "free" nation we have to be PC and say "oh no, you are free to do whatever you want to your bodies" that way we don't look like a dictatorship.
  4. H

    Well the Army finaly fucked me.

    lol what a pussy sargent.. did it even hit him? Hes lucky he didn't get shot, just helping himself into someones house like that...
  5. H

    does anyone have any paintball related tats?

    judging by your sig, I seriously don't doubt that you're not joking. fucking eXtreme bro!!!!!!
  6. H

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    Abusive torturer of poor yellow creatures. They can't help being spherical. Those are dips, push-ups are done with hands in front, not behind And kyu is Japanese, kup/gup is korean
  7. H

    Facebook + Statuses

    Just read this and then saw THIS beauty: J**** L****** Everything that's ****, ends out good. You'll embrace it and learn from it.4 minutes ago · Comment · Like / Unlike J**** L****** likes this. And then another one below it, also liked by him. Fantastic.
  8. H

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand!

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand! all the goth kids at my school wore vampire and witch costumes on haloween to school and one kid in my french class climbed on top of the snack machines and casted a spell on everyone in the courtyard. gave me a good lul for the day
  9. H

    Fat kid fight

    Drink a corona and stfu, fag.
  10. H

    *PICS* Of my Pussy!!1!

    wow that pussy looks tight!
  11. H

    Where were you on...

    We were on holiday in Newquay at the time (arrived the day before she died). I don't remember the day she actually died, apart from this not being on: but I remember going to Truro for a memorial service. and the funeral coverage on TV a few...
  12. H

    George Carlin dies at 71

  13. H

    General Election - 6th May

    I don't know about Scotland, but in Wales, at least where I'm from in the South East valleys, there's a habit of voting because its "who you vote for", regardless of agreeing with their policies. For example, my grandparents voted Labour, who brought my parents up to vote Labour, who brought me...
  14. H

    Carter Wong

    alright, so which one of the guys in the big hats was he?
  15. H

    Got fired

    Dont wish to sound insulting here but you got over it didnt you ? If it would happen again would you get depressed again ? I'm guessing not since you should know by now that there is no point in getting depressed and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 19 and counting and no i do...
  16. H

    Instead of paying celebs millions to do adverts, wouldnt it be better if...

    Don't come 'round 'ere with your common sense notions and communist ideas!!!
  17. H

    Can I drive outside UK?

    Yup. Just pick up a tank at Dover.
  18. H

    Could Jeremy Kyle be fake?

    I hope not. I want him to be a real detestable little sh*t.
  19. H

    People who complain about Polish Immigrants?

    You make a very good point...but don't let that fool us.
  20. H

    The wisdom of the East?

    Heard it 40 years ago...still not funny.