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    Achievements Thread

    To go with the confessions thread i've designed an achievement one Post a great achievement you have done today or ever done enjoy My achievement today was... I basically owned by R.E teacher in a debate about christianity
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    Why is the term "Judaism" and not "Jewianity"?

    Judaism is the English word. Research it in Hebrew.
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    Do you recognize the user above you?

    you have no idea. and nope.
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    Google Image War. The P Wars.

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    Armed and Famous

    Thats what makes it twice as fun! Celebrities with guns can be entertaining! I seriously doubt that the producers will compromise safety over the show becoming a hit.
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    Why did Christ refuse "mingled" drink offered?

    huh? Did you forget your sane pill this morning?
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    Why do you cling to organized religion?

    Because it's my human right to. Jesus was a Jewish man and followed Judaism for 33 yrs. He went to Temple every Sabbath, He celebrated the Passover and other holy days of the Jews. He was a very religious man.
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    Fellow Christians: Why is homosexuality a grave sin but we are allowed to eat pork?

    I'm confused with parts of the laws in the Leviticus. I am Catholic and eat pork and shell fish. WHy is that okay for Christians but not for Jews and Muslims? I understand that gays are living in sin and Jesus never changed that. But did Jesus change the dietary laws?
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    Prom is coming up!

    I asked, actually more like told my girlfriend I was taking her to prom months ago.
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    You (or at least, I) do tend to be more opinionated on messageboards like these, where you get to safely type away from the comfort of your home/office. I think because only other board members can reply to your posts, you tend to think they're the only ones who can read them too.
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    Car advice needed!

    I looked at my Haynes manual and thought about doing it myself. Then my wife crotch punched me and reminded me I'm rubbish at DIY.
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    Have you ever attempted suicide?

    If only I remembered down the lane then I wouldn't have come into this thread.
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    What is Scientology you know what Tom Cruise believes in?

    they believe aliens put us here. ANd when we die, we become a god on another planet.
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    how do christianity and judaism stress tolorance?

    I'm Catholic/Christian. I can't answer for Jews. Christianity teaches the words of Jesus Himself. To love God, yourself and your neighbors. You are not to tolerate sin from others or yourself. If you sin, you are to seek reconcilitation and repent and sin no more. If you see another person...
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    Why does Islam, Judaism and Christianity oppose gay marriage?

    because we should allow sinners have rights that God made for a man and a woman to have together.
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    Does god have a sense of humor?

    I think all His creations are amazing. if you want a laugh, look at yourself.
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    Isn't it interesting?

    1. Michelle 2. female 3. America 4.7 am
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    Thought of the Day

    That will be a good approach too, just to state your own opinion without reference to either A or B. The only problem is people may say that you don't even bother to read other's opinions.
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    Anthony Kiedis incident. Your take?

    Its a bit of a set of extreme examples you got there compared to what was really happening...BUT Anyone remember the Bomber Hostage taker in Tottenham Court Road, London last year? Police were cordoning the area explaining the situation and you had people who still were demanding to go...
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    Oh Damn! Supersize that ass whoopin!!!

    Look again I'm sure someone made a big ass of themselves in this thread...oh wait that was me...damn it! EDIT: oops I just got what "get sprung" meant...LOL there I go again