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  1. S

    IQ Tests

    Hey, I got bored and decided to do a few IQ tests and the mensa "fun test Has anyone else ever done an official test, or any free ones Can anyone reccomend any halfway decent/accurate free ones? I've done quite a few over the years and seem to have such variation with the results, wondering if...
  2. S

    To all those TSR people who have A level results tomorrow

    "when it's Brookes instead of Oxford". Awesome.
  3. S

    Decapitation is a doodle..

    And some say miracles never happen
  4. S

    Aaah those were the days...

    ** resists obvious smutty comment **
  5. S

    So i got two cases of bawls

    so do it?
  6. S

    NASA Hides Truth About Mars

    Maybe they found where all the 4channers live. Pedocity. Or a massive stockpile of fleshlights that the aliens have been using, because their blood isn't the only thing that's acid.
  7. S

    What do you wear to bed?

    lol at this thread its either my boxers or nakey time for me
  8. S

    Thread split - homeschooling

    Thanks, dude
  9. S

    New cancer!! (probably Fake)

    Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) was named after the video game character because the mutant phenotype had spiky bits! Dont be surprised if they contrived the name to spell out 'pokemon' just for the hell of it!
  10. S

    :dodgyrun: so i have a shit load of firecrackers.......

    1. Supercracker 2. Camcorder 3. 4. Profit /thread
  11. S

    Women in the Infantry

    Exactly, we don't need more crappy officers. I was lucky enough to work with some decent ones last pump, but have had plenty of experience with terrible ones. I wouldn't be surprised to find its a typical legal strategy to refile a suit for the purposes of ensuring the legal system has...
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    a bit of fun. amazing pool and dominos

    Nice Bet they'd be gutted if that last ball didn't go in though!
  13. S

    Man In A Wheelchair Robbed A Bank.

    that's going to get around a lot i bet, new pigeon man?
  14. S

    If you could go back in time, knowing what you know today

    I would be more of a slut. The Bear.
  15. S

    The password is....

  16. S

    any one else talk to themselves?

    We both agree. (Well, usually we do.)
  17. S

    Do you have a crush on anyone here on TSR...

    Every female ihav member between 5 foot 5 and 6 foot 2, with a pretty face nice boobs and ass and a great personality.
  18. S

    Tiger victim drinking, admitted taunting

    OK, looking at it another way, I know a load of kids (myself being one when I was a nipper) who love to play around on the road with balls, bikes etc. Now although this is obviously stupid and the kids themselves know the dangers, if a car knocks the kid over and kills him or her, did they...
  19. S

    Where did you get your forum usernames?

    It was my favourite kata when i joined and it sums up my general attitude when training.
  20. S

    This is why I dont volunteer for ANYTHING

    I was, of course, exaggerating, but I do have a policy of not volunteering for anything unless there is significant gain in it for me, there are exceptions, but not many.