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    Teacher bumping grades

    he will cuz u sent him a letter. trust me letters are money nvm. just saw he raised it
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    latest gadgets / gizmos?

    Need to buy a bday gift for a super duper man. Can you suggest a good gizmo? Something like a digital photo frame? No cell phone or tablet suggestions.
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    Fun Stuff

    If you had sound for the first one it would have been a lot funnier. As I said with the second one . . . I have no words.
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    muslim suspended for wearing veil

    The compensation wasn't over the veil thing, it was because the LEA failed to handle her dismissal properly.
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    What does your username mean?

    Simrad sounded cool.
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    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    you sir,are my fucking idol. well,one of them atleast.
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    Best of 2007 - Categories

    Most epic pic.
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    A day in the life of a mod

    snoller, ipconfig /release probably won't do as much as you think. you'd have to get a new ip from your isp, which is a pain if they don't dynamically assign them.
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    Help with naming new pets.

    Knife and Fork. Cup and Saucer.
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    More bad police behaviour

    Trust me..................... .........I'm a policeman
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    Soccer = SOCIALISM

    The most interesting thing about that video is how blatantly most of the people who responded just don't get it.
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    10 year olds rape girl, eight.

    1/ I sure he can answer for him self. 2/ muslim councillers would probably agree with Kwajman that the boys should be treated as "victims" and then stone the girl. 3/ At winter fest.
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    Common Foods; Will never like?

    ;39717368']i don't like foods that arn't the correct temperature like if i have cold pizza i refuse to eat it cold..steak no eating cold soup not even if its luke warm i will not eat it it has to be the temperature i had it first served to me salad can't be room temp
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    Scenario: Your Life

    Tell his wife it's time for her to get the hell out of my house
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    For people who eat healthy do you have a designated 'cheat meal' where you can

    yes. even my dietician has dessert. in moderaton everything is ok. just make sure u eat 900 gms of veggies and a balance of carbs and protein.
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    What cheap food can I eat and still have it be healthy?

    900 gms of veggies, ( excluding corn, peas and potatoes which are carbs ) have soupy meals. my dietician says to keep stock handy. put chicken and veg pieces in stock. let it come to a boil. 0 fat and power-packed.
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    essay on 'everyday's breaking news - bomb blasts'?

    I posted this question before and got lovely replies. Hoping for more such points. my daughter has to write an essay on 'everyday's breaking news - bomb blasts'. what do you think she should cover under this? just points will suffice. thanx in advance! will award 10 points.
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    Exercise/Eating Healthy Substantial help for studying for finals?

    Eat regular meals 5-6 times a day for consistent energy to study, achieve and party. Research shows that studying immediately after an aerobic workout or some kind of sport enhances retention.
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    I need to start an essay and I don't know what subtopic for religion to...

    IS FGM an african custom or an Islamic one?