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  1. M


    idk if this is the right place to ask, but if i bought something of ebay, i paypaled them the money, but they never shipped the item. Is there anyway i can get my money back?
  2. M

    Worst Father Of The Year Award!

    Shock will do that to you. A grief like this can take a long time to cycle through, and he may go through all the stages of grief several times before he'd "well" again. Everyone goes through it differently, he could be in that shocky-numbness for months before the pain hits.
  3. M

    The Positives and Negatives of Watching TV

    Positives: -Cures bordom (sometimes) -Educates (i've learnt stuff from the tv that i didn't learn in school haha) -Activity that brings together family and friends, ie watching movies together Negatives: -Sometimes after seing a [Insert Martial Artist's name here] movie people tend to think...
  4. M

    [Thailand] Swiss man jailed for 10 years for insulting Thai king

    call me crazy but isn't labeling a race as stupid because they have a different culture against the TOS on this site?
  5. M

    When did Michael Jackson look best?

    bad, dirty diana, remember the time, dont stop til u gt enuf, you are not alone, thriller..well i think he looked gd in most of his videos..
  6. M

    The Presents thread....

    And what I want under my tree:
  7. M

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    I agree, put convicted terrorists in jail, but what about the vast majority of civilians?
  8. M

    100 Things you must do before you die

    ahem.. of course i ment museam d'orsay not the louvre hehe sorry it's a pet hate like i said, i know it makes little difference but for some reason it really bugs me
  9. M

    What does your username mean?

    No idea. Seriously. I don't know anyone named Jackson and my favorite color is green, not blue.
  10. M

    How tall are you ST?

  11. M

    Interestings things about your parents

    If you're not lying, send me $2,000. If you don't, you're a lying liar.
  12. M

    I'm interested in learning more about small scale sustainable living.?

    Visit some old folks homes and ask the gran'mas and gran'pas there how they did it - better than any book or video.
  13. M

    Bill Clinton was at my school today!

    Check the badass with the sunglasses on backwards. Next we'll be seeing the secret service with popped collars.
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    Hot chick in my new apt building

    You sure it was milk?
  15. M

    power of a high school security guard...?

    they can't do shit you don't have to tell them anything or explain anything to them if they say anything to you just tell them to fuck off
  16. M

    3 Chinese Hacked the Pentagon

    Eh.. I could see a backlash from other hackers around the world. However, ours are too fucking sick of worrying of getting the FBI on their asses.
  17. M

    Does the Bell portable internet work outside of Canada?

    Nope, and Telus doesn't either. Rogers might.
  18. M

    Does the Bell portable internet work outside of Canada?

    Nope, and Telus doesn't either. Rogers might.
  19. M

    Is this the best blonde joke ever?

    A blonde walks into a pharmacy and asks the assistant for some rectum deodorant. The pharmacist, a little bemused, explains to the woman that they don't sell rectum deodorant and never have. Unfazed, the blonde assures the pharmacist that she has been buying the stuff from this store on a...