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  1. M

    Petition to Bring Pankration to London 2012!

    That's what makes him so impossible to ignore. It's like watching a drunk person walking around the wall of a lion enclosure.
  2. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    This gif:
  3. M

    Osama bin laden

    On the contrary.. There's a whole state of nutty religious freaks in the USA.. It's called Utah and they're called mormons.. LOL..
  4. M

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    I'm clingy and hate it. I get my mind wrapped around one chick and cant let her go and its embarrassing as fuck. I try harder than my ability, and 99% of the time it makes me look like a jackass. I dont care though, bust my ass rather than quit i guess. I am now terrified i will shit on the...
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    Ki Master

    To be honest it reads more accurately without the ki or kukan.
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    ST, I dare you.....

    :heart: :doubleheart: I did this easily. I even have a video somewhere cause it was for an awesome amazing scavenger hunt.
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    Whats your FAVE beer?

    Nord> The legal drinking limit here is 0.05, but for me (im on provisional license) its 0. Maverik> Im afraid you have just lost all credibility.
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    salons, wtf.
  9. M

    Do you have Crazy Parents?

    I think once you go to college typically your relationship with your parents change. I still get mad at my mom a lot because she nags but my dad and I have never really been closer than we are now.
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    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    a bit more stuff here:
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    Smoking in the UK

    There used to be a brand of cigs in the UK called 'Death'. They were in a black packet with a skull and crossbones on them. When I was a teen, they were the ones that had the 'cool' factor. If the product is on the shelves, people will buy it. There is one simple solution to the cigs problem...
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    Cool kids

  13. M

    UK Mobile Phone Scam

    Richie - If it isn't true, why do I keep getting "orange free missed call service" text messages all the time, with 0709 at the start?!? Methinks you're a little scammer yourself I get so many of them. This sort of scam is actually fairly common, they come in the post and emails as well...
  14. M

    Is this an MA school ?

    Dude, not cool. Over a hundred people died and my wife has not yet heard from one of her best friends, who was in American Samoa when the tsunami hit. And you're making sex jokes about the victims?
  15. M

    Why is Miley Cyrus putting dirty pictures on the internet?

    Because she is a SLUT!!!!
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    If you could look like, or somewhat like, any celebrity, who would it be?

    there aren't a lot of pretty people in the celeb biss. So I would have to go with the girl that played in sypkids she is pretty.
  17. M

    do i look like any celebrities?

    No Not At All Don't Let People Trick You.
  18. M

    Which Disney celeb does she remind you of?

    yes she has a very great big smile. i like her she is pretty and i'm a lady so don't take this wrong.
  19. M

    Who is this celeb...?

    sujoy......... what i don't get it. sorry.