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    Need help with fashion?

    Im in australia in 2 weeks i am going to bali and staying for 3 weeks then im going to europe and going to a school. Im 13 so what kind of stuff that i could get in bali would be stylish and cool in europe and im a boy
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    Err... I was the kindergartener.
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    Do people need protecting from themselves? Freedom is good. At the extreme, if you don't have any freedom, you don't have anything. More of good is good.
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Oh thats a very liberal way at seeing things.
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    Chuck Norris Jokes

    On thanksgiving one of chucks ******* burnt the turkey. So, chuck went out and caught a live turkey and swallowed it whole. He threw it up cooked, seasoned, and with a side of cranberry sauce. The ***** asked how he did it. He roundhouse kicked her to the moon and said, "You don't question Chuck...
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    the cat thread

    looks like a mini tiger! cool though. surprised they havn't been made into pets all over the place.
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    Telus number i can call about my internet? please?

    I suggest going here and getting the correct number for your problem. I would have given you a number for TELUS but I wasn't exactly sure which number would be best for your situation. Good luck, Justin.
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    How to have an out-of-body experience

    Well, sense he is no longer active on this thread, perhaps some other person could state a source that dictates the dangers.
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    Official Al Gore ect pic thread

    No thanks.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I'm going home in 9 days!! *does a happy dance*
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    Bradley Manning sentenced

    I just went looking for polls on the topic. You can easily find both approval and disapproval ratings of Snowden. To me that screams the legitimacy of the polls really so I'm not going to bother posting any. Out of all the polls done on what Americans think, I wonder why I've never in my life...
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    Pick-up Lines

    go up to her and lick her and say taste like sugar
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    guys and make up

    In my younger goth days I wasn't averse to a bit of nail varnish, but I was always a bit lazy to go for anything else unless I was going to a gig or something. UV hair gel, however, is the greatest invention since the internet
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    MAP Secret Santa

    Toxic Waste Drum Laundry Basket
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    The Scissors thread

    sizzores sizors sizwhores
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    Seniors at my school change their grades - Face 38 years in jail.

    Hurray our justice system!
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    Things That Help You Get to Sleep

    fap until you cant fap anymore, then take the benedryl
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    lockheed martin

    Bingo! The f-35 is a VTOL capable single engine fighter, the f-22 however has two engines, and some pimpin' thrust vectoring. Your post beat out my double edit... curse my slow interwebs and slow typing.
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    Can you eat the Stride Gum Wrappers?

    Okay!! My friend told me you could eat the wrappers of the Stride gum. Im not sure, so, do you know?