Search results

  1. H

    Bloody Helicopter!

    COD MW and hopefully COD MW2!
  2. H

    26 cheerleaders + you stuck in an elevator

    Pop a massive erection. Run around in a panic frenzy screaming incoherent sexual things slapping their asses with said boner.
  3. H

    backflip attempt

    Need to tuck better but...
  4. H

    ST...May I Present To You

    I saw a dude looking at mail-order brides the other day that was awkward.
  5. H

    Cliques that you hate V2.

    Yes. I will wait.
  6. H

    pictures that make you lo v2

    no its not dumb dumb, its me
  7. H

    US embassies attacked

    Then the protesters are all bunch of dumbasses. Violence is never justified in Islam except in self-defense and it has to be the absolute LAST resort. If the protesters were "religious," then this wouldn't have happened. They're just using it as an excuse to vent off frustration and whatnot...
  8. H

    flirting on tsr

    GREAT! Thanks dude, now my girlfriend is angry with me and thinks I'm cheating. :argh:
  9. H

    Finally - The truth about gay marriage

    Funny this is being discussed here, just showed a colleague the advert at work where Rick Perry does his whole no gays in the military bit and he's decided that the USA isn't a real country but has been established as a joke. This despite having been there numerous times.
  10. H


    Not sure about this. It's more to do with the lack of knowledge rather than anything else
  11. H

    Is being a page 3 model degrading?

    I've never fully understood why people think that being a page 3 model is degrading or reading page 3 is somehow sexist. Some people also seem to extend this to wearing 'sexy' clothing or even make up. What do you think?
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    Avatar changes

    Excuse me if I have gone mad, but have the avatars got smaller? Also the user names have changed colour. Is the part of the recent server upgrades.
  13. H

    Looking for a classic trick

    Hi everyone ! I love tricks in martial art, but i can't find the one i'm looking for, maybe because it's not a trick, just a simple move...? I'm looking for the one when you fall on the ground on your back, you use the swing of you leg to get back on your feet without using your hand. I know...
  14. H

    Have you read Harry Frankfurt's "On Bullshit"?

    If you have read Frankfurt's book, what did you think of it? Whether you have read his book or not, do you think that Jacques Derrida was little more than a bullshit artist? Do you think that Derrida gained his great academic reputation because people mistook his bullshit for profundity or...
  15. H

    Can you explain to me the nature of my mitral valve prolapse?

    I discovered I had heart problems by attacks of tachycardia. An echocardiogram revealed I had a mitral valve prolapse and I had an operation to correct it. The surgeon used robotic surgery and entered my heart through my right side. He apparently tried to correct the problem with some sort of...