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    Funny Names

    Only in America
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    Animal KO

    Know personally or heard about? Was he called Mas Oyama? Big Dave?
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    How much does it take to get you drunk?

    This is stupid because there are loads of different variants. If we're talking about 8 in the morning on an empty stomach it would probably take me about a glass of wine. After a big meal and drinking slowly through out the night about 6/7/8 pints. Also the level of drunkness may come into...
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    Cockfighting in MMA

    It's an IQ test. You failed.
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    Why Do I envy people with a high post count?

    High correlation between post counts and penis length - is the reason why you are green my boy.
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    Unique ways to ask somebody out.

    I need a cool/cute/different way to ask this girl out. It's not that I'm afraid, its just that i like to make it different/unique every time. Share some stories/ideas!
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    Who wants to be a pirate?

    Argh, so what is going to distinguish us as pirates from the regular posters? Should we begin and end every post irregardless of the forum with "Argh?" Argh, 8 Argh
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    Canadian Firearms Seizure in High River, AB, Canada?

    No no.. Don't race off, please explain the point about how Catholics are still suffering due to a heavy handed British government
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    Monster energy Slurpees mos def make you poo green.

    /agree, they also make your tongue black which is awesome :D
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    French Door Repair

    Hello...does anybody have any idea approximately how much money it would take to completely rebuild a french door doorway. My house doesnt have gutters so the wood got rotted out and now they dont stay shut and they dont seal to water or outside air. My parents dont seem to have any ambition...
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    whats the name of the girl in this avvy?

    Terri Schiavo
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    Trees are cool, man.

    your the wake n baker arnt cha, amen to you
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    Turd vs Turd

    Yup, guns, drugs... There is even a worry about dodgy foreign doctors undercutting licensed professionals with surgical robots at some point in the not-too-distant future.
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    What about ST bugs you

    People who wanna be me, but can never be me, baby I'm me, so who you? You're not me, you're not me.
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    wow you have low standards. dont have kids plz.
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    A question about love.

    Dude, you should hit the road. I've been backpacking for about 4 years now(not in a row) and I've met a lot of older guys that are divorced and they are having the time of their life. You can be single, and enjoy life. You only get one life. Enjoy it.
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    new picture battle

    [No message]
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    zombie possum ftl.

    ily machinegun.
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    The Quest

    What the FUCK did you just say?
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    If you butter a cats back....

    I clicked on this thread expecting a joke but after reading it. . . is this question for real?