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  1. B

    world of warcraft , please dont play it EVER!

    no i think its absolutley **** i dont even see the big fuss about it...and i thought i was the only one:woo:
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    I needed my daily dose of stupid.
  3. B

    What is it with girls and cats?

    Are you cracking onto me?
  4. B

    Have you ever been...

    probably have gonorrhea like 90% of the world has herpes
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    mother put baby in microwave

    Slightly off topic but I found this post difficult to read..... What is an intership??? Back to topic. There is a world of difference between the actions of a truly mentally ill person and a 'sane' person. Obviously, imo, the retribution should reflect this.
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    Philosophy makes me want to slice people with an 8 foot sword. "Three" is simply a marker of quantity. "Cricle" is a marker of shape. It's like saying no-one's ever seen "love". "Love" is a marker of emotion. Not every word has to refer to a physical object - abstract thought (or, for the...
  7. B

    Caveman Style on a rattlesnake (some gore)

    Squirrels taste better. fucking redneck
  8. B

    I want to try this

    Get that cross eyed bastard to join you.
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    New facebook WTF H4X

    if you are talking to me, i have no network button at the top anymore where it takes me to my school's network page. i can't figure out how that is supposed to be funny in any way. but i will get right on it chief.
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    I need your Help with Copper and Cable Wire.

    I've bet I've got between 250-400lbs of it. My Dad picked up this Power Coil from when he worked in a saw mill. It was from 44ft band saw I believe. Picture its there on the right: Lead 385lbs of old type set from printing presses. Got the lead for practically free also.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    yup! EXCELLENT session, i loved it! can't wait till thursday
  12. B

    Thought of the Day

    Somewhat crushed that I have so clearly missed this chance for more MAP silliness for the past few months! Stupid triplets..... Anyway, my thought - the most beautiful sound in the world to anyone commited to the joy of mischief is someone uttering the word 'really?' with that delightful...
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    Major setback for gun control bill

    We would just need a few recruits from the old folks home with stiff umbrellas to decimate that bunch!
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    Cool. I just need a holocaust denier and I earn the right to shout 'bingo'.
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    Damnit....I could not see that one...maybe it's not in blu ray...
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    Myers-Briggs (MBTI)

    Welcome back girl!! Your 'Would you kill?' thread is still running!
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    Police Brutality????

    I'm not sure if I am missing the point. Anyway you put it, it ends up in a mess big enough to make the news, and hence the cop miss handled two ways about it. And where i'm from, if a cop punches you and its not self defence, as in this case, hes in more trouble than you.
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    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations

    The 2nd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations Ah, I see. Thank you for clearing that up. I check this thread about once every day so I usually have no idea what is going on.
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    casual abortion

    He's not kidding you and in fact he is right. He is talking about scientific theories and scientific facts. Not random unsupported theories versus verified facts. A scientific theory must take into account the entire range of scientific facts it seeks to explain and offer predictions by which...
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    Has anyone see PS I Love You?

    it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I could not stop crying. i love that movie. i mena the acting was terrific and so was the storyline