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  1. R

    How do I deal with this?

    Really sorry to hear about this Moozie, but honestly there's nothing you can do but move on. It might hurt, but you gotta do it.
  2. R

    The blatant lies thread

    ooooooohh **shudders** eeeeewwwww bad visions
  3. R

    Starbucks rips off Ethiopia

    A tidbit regarding the cost's involved in a cup of coffee reaching the actual end consumer.: source: Wikipedia Here is a PDF file on the benefits of fair trade towards the alleviation of poverty done by the Colorado State University et. al...
  4. R

    the cat thread

    I was in hospital for days after that, still waiting for them to take my full body cast off... getting sick of typing with my nose...
  5. R

    Hints for Starting University

    Don't join too many clubs at the Freshers fair! Pick one or two that interest you. If you don't like them you can always join something else later in the term or in your second year.
  6. R

    endless poll is...

  7. R

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Yea what I was trying to say is it looks like HD was going for the sport bike market but the V rod is not really in that category and is not a cruiser either. Like I said some people love the V rods and I find them OK and would never try and put anyone off one if they like them but they are not...
  8. R

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2) And the one who wrote it is a Moderator.
  9. R

    California IS going to fall off !

    :( i was born there. but now im on the other side of the country.
  10. R

    Why is love so complicated?

    I was, until quite recently. But I was referring to success at screening out the unsavory closeted man-stabbers.
  11. R

    Cussing = 2 Marks

    Ha hah hahhh..... having read the story, now I find it pretty funny. Actually, as a teacher, if I had to tick off boxes on a rubric of some sort, I'd probably have given it points for correct spelling too! But, yeah, you're right - it's a non-story!
  12. R

    So what have you named your schlong?

    a female must name your penis.
  13. R

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting Bet it was somebody from that darn Ninjutsu forum.
  14. R

    Anime/Manga Recommendations

    I don't feel it is my responsibility to " give it proper attention ". I've watched it 4 times already and like I said before the only thing I enjoyed was the animation, to me that is all there is to it. No point in debating it, it is my opinion and nothing will change that. On a side note...
  15. R

    2011 Census Controversy

    It was mining & steel here. Glad it's not now. Tough life
  16. R

    Teach me how to read sheet music?

    Many musicians on the forum, myself included. Ask some specific questions, and maybe we can help?
  17. R

    my iphone 3gs wont let me change the volume on ipod mode?

    i can change it using the side button but when i try and drag it using the touch screen it just goes back to the original volume , my maximum sound level on settings is on full ive not played with settings it just seems to have changed overnite! cheers
  18. R

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    yeah the res on that pic isn't too great, but you have to shrink images for them to fit in your avatar on MAP. and the sig, thats my response to anyone who has a problem with offtopic or doubts the ability of the UFC fighters.
  19. R

    Ever had??

    What can I say... I put the "b" in Subtle. A girlfriend...... um, er, i'm currently between girlfriends myself, so I hear ya' on that one. I always get a little preterb when I read posts where people think their life is going bad. I apologize if I hurt your feelings Cyclepath. It was not my...